Bikini Interlude 92

Bikini Interlude – A Flatkini Edition

No boobs or not much in the way of boobs? No problem or detriment whatsoever. We don’t really care. Enjoy the sun and your bikini because we will.

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Bikini Interlude 90

Bikini Interlude – A Just In The Yard Edition

This particular Bikini Interlude has the slight point – aside from it’s primary purpose of sharing the enjoyment of women in bikinis – of serving as a reminder that, if one doesn’t want to go to the beach or doesn’t have one in easy commuting distance, just out in the yard is fine.

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Bikini Interlude 89

Bikini Interlude

This, the 89th Bikini Interlude, is just that and nothing more. A brief interlude of beautiful bikini clad babes at the beach.

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Bikini Interlude 88

Bikini Interlude – A Best Fitting Bikini Edition

With the start of this year’s bikini seasonat least here, in the Northern Hemisphere – here’s a simple reminder that the best fit for your bikini is often what some might consider a poor fit. 😛

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Bikini Season Is Starting

Bikini Season Is Starting

Bikini season is starting again in the Northern Hemisphere. As such, I’m putting out another round of advice to the ladies about their bikini bodies. That advice is simply to put on that bikini, go out, and enjoy yourself. Insofar as men are concerned, we’re going to like you in it.

Think about it. The 45 women depicted above are, for the most part, professional models and/or porn actresses who make a great deal of money. So, it’s pretty damn obvious that you’re going to do A-OK in a bikini too.

The Beacons Are Lit! Gondor Calls For Aid!
But, If You’re Concerned About This…

Now, of course, if you’re suffering from the Winter Whiteness and are worried about blinding people – or having friends that will cry, “The beacons are lit!” then you might want to start off tanning in your yard for a bit first. 😉

Consider Tanning In Yard A Bit

Besides, if you’re like one of my wives, you probably burn like flash paper at first. It’d be safer by far to use your yard to tan in judicious amounts first, before spending hours at the beach and risking severe burning.

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