Bikini Interlude 90

Bikini Interlude – A Just In The Yard Edition

This particular Bikini Interlude has the slight point – aside from it’s primary purpose of sharing the enjoyment of women in bikinis – of serving as a reminder that, if one doesn’t want to go to the beach or doesn’t have one in easy commuting distance, just out in the yard is fine.

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Bikini Interlude 79

Bikini Interlude – Around The Yard Edition

As is my preferred norm, there’s little point in this post beyond sharing the beauty of women in bikinis. This time it’s bikini babes in and around the yard. After all, you don’t need to go to the beach – or anywhere – to wear a bikini.

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Bikini Interlude 29

Bikini Interlude – By The Yard Edition

Unsurprisingly, beyond reminding everyone that you need go no farther than your own yard – if you go anywhere at all – to enjoy bikini-clad babes, the only point of this, like most, Bikini Interludes, is the beauty of women in bikinis. Enjoy!

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Bikini Interlude 22

Bikini Interlude – Close To Home Edition

As is the case with almost all the Bikini Interlude posts, there’s really no real purpose to this post beyond providing myself and any who come here a brief interlude of beauty. Hell! This interlude is just a reminder that you can keep close to home and still enjoy the bikini season.

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