Hostin's View Of Our Women

OK. So, it’s The View‘s co-host Sunny Hostin – a rabidly White-hating Blatino – who said it. Hence, it neither too surprising nor important. Yet, this is a level of insult and disdain that is both beyond the pale and just cause for retribution.

I read a poll just yesterday that White, Republican, suburban women are now going to vote Republican.

It’s almost like roaches voting for Raid.

They’re voting against their own self-interest. Do they want to live in Gilead? Do they want to live in The Handmaid’s Tail’?

Sunny Hostin

Yes, that’s right. This Trigueño scag called our women cockroaches or, at least, strongly implied the comparison, most likely in response to a recent Wall Street Journal poll that showed that White, suburban women now favor the GOP by15 percentage points, which is a hefty 26-point upswing from August. She really seems to despite the simple fact that White women, who rarely kill their unborn children, are more concerned with the economy than the SCOTUS’ decision in Dobbs.

Sunny Hostin – born Asunción Cummings – is also seemingly totally unaware of her Black heritage and the intrinsic and unavoidable link between Blacks and cockroaches in America, their both being brought to our shores from Africa. Or maybe she is aware of this and is chortling over insulting our women even worse in her mind than most realize.

But, of course, aside from some useless ire on our part, nothing will likely come of this and no acts of just reprisal will be enacted upon Hostin by either her employers – who pay her to say things like this – or the People. Hostin’s view of our wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers will stand unchallenged in any meaningful and/or lasting manner.

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Biden Family's Values

Biden Family's Values
Biden Family’s Values

In point of fact, Hunter is a far more devout Crystal Methodist than Creepy Uncle Joe is a Catholic. Then again, Joe’s views on abortion and his apostasy may have a lot to do with Hunter’s “religious rights.” He may just not want any more of Hunter’s bastard by-blows showing up. 😉

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Biden's Rape Child

Biden's Rape Child
Biden’s Rape Child Can’t Be Found

Recently, Creepy Uncle Joe was ranting and railing to fellow Democrats a 10-year-old girl from Ohio who allegedly had to travel to a different state to get her rapist’s baby aborted.

This isn’t some imagined horror. It’s already happening. Just last week, it was reported that a 10-year-old girl was a rape victim in Ohio — 10 years old — and she was forced to have to travel out of the state, to Indiana, to seek to terminate the presnency [pregnancy] and maybe save her life. That’s — the last part is my judgment. Ten years old. Ten years old. Raped, six weeks pregnant. Already traumatized. Was forced to travel to another state. Imagine being that little girl. Just — I’m serious — just imagine being that little girl. Ten years old.

— Joe Biden

Karine Jean-Pierre, Biden’s Press Secretary, later went so far as to claim that Biden “spoke to that young woman just to show how extreme the decision on the Dobbs decision was and just how extreme it is now for American public, the American families when there is no exception at all.” Not, mind you, that anyone should have much confidence in her assertion.

Of course – and, like most things coming out of this attempt at an administration – the poor, little girl is nowhere in evidence, not even on paper. And, from what we can gather to-date, she also isn’t in any legal database despite both Ohio and Indiana being Mandatory Reporting States.

In point of fact, the only reference we have of this girl is a reporter in Indianapolis writing of an abortionist, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, in Indiana who supposedly claimed that an Ohio doctor called her hours after the Dobbs decision, claiming he had a six-weeks and three days pregnant 10 year-old and asking if she could help her.

The required confluence of implausibilities in this story are staggering, though not as staggering as the White House’s promulgation of it. A perfectly timed at three days past the de facto cut-off point under Ohio’s abortion laws pregnant preteen rape victim and no legal investigations or known reports in either Ohio or Indiana? Not likely. Not likely at all.

No, what probably happened was some Dem operative among the White House staff found the story in the IndyStar and fed it to Biden, knowing he’d get appropriately emotional over it as he read it off the teleprompter. But, in regards to Jean-Pierre’s statement, I’ve got nothing. Either she made it up out of whole cloth or was fed it by her superiors.

But then, these are Democrats, and facts aren’t what’s important to them.

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And They Wonder…


And They Wonder Why We Don’t Respect Them

I’d laugh, but that would be pure mean spiritedness, since this isn’t really funny, just sad, pathetic, and completely indicative of modern feminism. This poor creature, looking about as offensive and disgusting as she can manage to make herself, is par for the course for the majority of feminist protesters.

And, I assume for some reason, they work hard to look this way whenever they take to the streets to rant about something. And yet, they wonder why the meet with little sympathy and a great deal of disrespect when they do so.

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Wrong Right Side Of History

You'all Might Be On The Wrong Right Side Of Histor
You’all Might Be On The Wrong Right Side Of History

One things all these angry, screaming feminists don’t seem to understand, and never have done so, is that America already had an “argument” much like the one they’re fomenting and the outcome was bloodily decided. They just refuse to understand that they’re likely on the wrong “right” side of history when it comes to killing their unborn children aka abortion.

We’ve heard and read time and time again how the South claimed – and many Southerners still claim to this day – that their secession from the Union, which sparked the Civil War, was predicated upon States’ Rights and the Federal Government’s infringement thereupon. And, in all truth, that is an accurate claim. However, the only States’ Right so violently in contention was the right for citizens to own Blacks as chattel slaves.

And now and in recent times we’ve heard and read time and time again how Women’s Rights are being stripped from them. And, again, it is a single right that is in violent contention – their right to have an abortion for any reason or no reason at all.

Not a very great deal of difference between the two positions since they’re predicated upon the victims of that right not inherently being persons. Both the slaveholders of the 19th Century and Feminists of today strongly believe that their rights trump the basic rights of the victims… who, as they aren’t considered persons, can’t be victims in the first place, merely property to disposed of at will.

OK, there is one significant difference. In the South it was illegal for a master to deliberately kill their slaves except for a small number of reasons, and a few – I believe 4 – masters were tried, convicted, and executed for it. That’s right; the South granted more legal right to life to their property than Feminists acknowledge for their children.

Hence, Feminists really need to consider that they may well be on the wrong right side of history in a many we’ve seen and dealt with before. I doubt it’s a history that they really want to repeat.

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