Birth Of Freedom

As we are – what with early voting, absentee voting, and every other scam Democrats have perpetrated in order to suborn the nation – deep in the 2022 Midterm Elections season, let all Americans remember that freedom is born of blood and pain and the its birthcry is a chorus of the rage of patriots and anguish of their enemies.
No, not since what the Democrats did in the 2020 elections is the phrase “by ballot or bullet” truly applicable. Now, in these times when Dems waged a four-year long war to overthrow our duly elected POTUS, President Donald Trump and stole the election, the phrase is “by ballot first, but by bullet if needs be.”
My fellow Americans, don’t trust any result that places a Democrat in office. And, if and when the Dems’ malfeasance is indicated, be prepared to take action because those placed in authority to punish the Dems won’t do it themselves. And never let them tell you that you’re a threat to America’s democracy, not after all they’ve done and keep doing.
Tags: #MAGA | 2022 Elections | America | Civil War | Democrats | Election Fraud | Freedom | Liberals | Politics | Progressives