It’s The Same Things

It's The Same Things
It’s The Same Things

Every American of conscience should always remember that it is the same things that won’t call an unborn baby a baby that demand that we call Adm. Richard Levine a woman. Then, this is what happens when things’ only acceptable science is political science.

So yes, Ladies and Gentlemen of America, it’s the same things, the same problems, and the same threat to our nation’s future. And there’s a singular, effective, permanent solution for the question they represent. We only have to put aside our squeamishness and comfort in order to enact it.

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The New & Last Niggers

The Unborn Are The New & Last Niggers
The Unborn Are The New & Last Niggers

The unborn children in America are the new and hopefully last niggers. And yes, I use “niggers” advisedly, pointedly, and to purpose since somehow our own unborn children are considered by too many to be no more persons than the African tribals that were purchased and brought to America as chattel and beasts of burden.

And It’s Still The People Doing It

And, in what is no longer even a shade of surprise, it’s largely the same sorts claiming that certain sorts aren’t persons. Then, we were always doomed to repeat history.

The only questions before us now are will the modern-day Abolitionists have the courage to wage another civil war over this issue and, if so, what form of punitive actions will be taken during the next Reconstruction.

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Abortion Is Murder

As Far As I’m Concerned Abortion Is Murder

That’s right. In my opinion the deliberate killing off of unborn-as-yet children is murder. It should, insofar as I’m concerned, be treated exactly as any other instance of such a crime – homicide, most often 1st Degree Homicide since it’s normally a premeditated act of killing on the parts of both the woman and the abortionist.

And therein is the rub as it were. Abortion is the commission of the crime of homicide and needs to be treated exactly the same in ways as any other instance of the crime.

Justifiable Homicide

If either the mother-to-be or the involved medical professional is of the strongly held and reasonable belief that bringing the child within her to term would be a clear and present threat to her life, then the abortion must be considered a case of justifiable homicide.

The Dead Can’t Be Killed

Rather obviously – but still a recurring point of contention apparently – if the unborn child is already dead, he or she can’t be killed and so, hence, he or she cannot be unlawfully killed, i.e., murdered. If any crime could be assessed in such circumstances it would rightly be assessed upon any who refused to remove the unborn child’s corpse from the woman’s body.

Reasonable Actions

Undertaking reasonable actions that in some statistically insignificant numbers of cases could lead to the death of a viable child in utero is not murder. Hence, the use of chemical contraceptives – including the correct use of Plan B – does not fall within the scope of homicide any more than anyone driving a car, which might result in an accident which might in turn result in the death of an unborn child does so.

Withdrawal of Life Support

While potentially problematical in detail and execution, it is my opinion that ending the life of an unborn child who will not survive in any real and functional manner past their birth is not murder. It is merely the withdrawal of life support, with the mother having given informed consent for such removal.

No Attainder!

And no; I make no exceptions in the cases of rape and/or incest. To kill the child of such unions is an attainder and quite specifically a particularly extreme form of “corruption of the blood,” wherein the child is punished for the crimes of the parent(s).


And there is my opinion, in some detail, on abortion and on abortion itself only. In this post I’m not venturing my opinions on ancillary issues and laws which surround it and which are often used as arguments in favor of killing off unborn children.

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Abortive Reasoning

Abortive Reasoning Among Feminists
Abortive Reasoning Among Feminists

Now, it’s true that we’ve only one  reported case so far of a feminist aborting their baby because it was a boy and that case is unconfirmed. Yet, the important part of that is “reported.” We’ve no real idea how many feminists have killed off their own unborn children because they were going to have a son and they believe all men are sexual predators.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be that surprised if this were far more common than we’ve been given evidence of.  Given the reasoning of Feminists, it even makes a sick sort of sense that they’d prefer to kill their unborn sons – future predators – in an effort to end the “Patriarchy.”

And it’s not as if sex-selection wasn’t a disturbingly common reason for abortion in the first place, at least outside the Civilized World.  It’s certainly not unreasonable or illogical to posit that Feminists, who do not value men, would act in similar, if converse, manner to those cultures who do not value women. There’s little behavioral difference, after all, between misogyny and misandry.

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