Abortion Is Murder

As Far As I’m Concerned Abortion Is Murder

That’s right. In my opinion the deliberate killing off of unborn-as-yet children is murder. It should, insofar as I’m concerned, be treated exactly as any other instance of such a crime – homicide, most often 1st Degree Homicide since it’s normally a premeditated act of killing on the parts of both the woman and the abortionist.

And therein is the rub as it were. Abortion is the commission of the crime of homicide and needs to be treated exactly the same in ways as any other instance of the crime.

Justifiable Homicide

If either the mother-to-be or the involved medical professional is of the strongly held and reasonable belief that bringing the child within her to term would be a clear and present threat to her life, then the abortion must be considered a case of justifiable homicide.

The Dead Can’t Be Killed

Rather obviously – but still a recurring point of contention apparently – if the unborn child is already dead, he or she can’t be killed and so, hence, he or she cannot be unlawfully killed, i.e., murdered. If any crime could be assessed in such circumstances it would rightly be assessed upon any who refused to remove the unborn child’s corpse from the woman’s body.

Reasonable Actions

Undertaking reasonable actions that in some statistically insignificant numbers of cases could lead to the death of a viable child in utero is not murder. Hence, the use of chemical contraceptives – including the correct use of Plan B – does not fall within the scope of homicide any more than anyone driving a car, which might result in an accident which might in turn result in the death of an unborn child does so.

Withdrawal of Life Support

While potentially problematical in detail and execution, it is my opinion that ending the life of an unborn child who will not survive in any real and functional manner past their birth is not murder. It is merely the withdrawal of life support, with the mother having given informed consent for such removal.

No Attainder!

And no; I make no exceptions in the cases of rape and/or incest. To kill the child of such unions is an attainder and quite specifically a particularly extreme form of “corruption of the blood,” wherein the child is punished for the crimes of the parent(s).


And there is my opinion, in some detail, on abortion and on abortion itself only. In this post I’m not venturing my opinions on ancillary issues and laws which surround it and which are often used as arguments in favor of killing off unborn children.

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Explain The Difference

Liberals and Progressives – and their preferred minority tenants – just love to draw equivalencies between unrelated things in their culture war against America and long-held American values. On of the Left’s most recent attacks has been conducted through social media platforms against Holly Fisher, who I’ve previously featured here.

Explain the -Difference - Liberal Attack
Explain The Difference

Yes, that is correct. America’s domestic enemies are claiming that there’s a direct equivalency between Holly Fisher, a devoted Christian wife of an American soldier and Sherafiyah Lewthwaite, one of the world’s most wanted Muslim terrorists.

Let’s not, however, forget that equivalency or the claims thereof are by their very nature a two-way street…

Explain the -Difference - American Rebuttal
Explain The Difference

If the composition of an image, combined with vague and gross similarities in context are to be the metric for equivalency, then the Liberals and Progressives had better explain the difference between civil rights marches and those of the Klu Klux Klan.

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Ginsburg’s Dissension

Ginsburg - Not a happy female at allThe US Supreme Court finally rendered its ruling upon Burwell v. Hobby Lobby yesterday, June 30, 2014. It was a 5-4 decision in favor of Hobby Lobby’s owners’ religious freedom.

Justice Ruth Ginsburg, one of the extreme Leftist judges in the SCOTUS penned the dissenting opinion which her three fellow leftist judges concurred with.

As this case dealt with the intersection of for-profit corporations, religious freedom, and management-labor power dynamics, it is neither surprising nor of material interest that the Liberal minority within the SCOTUS dissented from the majority opinion. That is to be expected as those four judges are antipathetic to corporations and religious freedom, at least when the religion in question is Christianity.

What is of interest is the nature and content of Ginsburg’s dissension. Ginsburg’s 35-page scathing screed contained little or no basis in law except in the singular part where she agreed with the Court, was more emotive, irrational fear-mongering than a logical exercise, and utterly ignored almost every salient point of the Court’s decision.

This is, and long has been, Ginsburg’s modus operandi and is why I loath her more than any other SCOTUS judge since Justice Warren. Whenever she pens the majority opinion she makes sure to cover it in the law and by legal precedence, but her dissenting opinions rarely stem from interpretative differences in America’s law. Instead they are emotive pleas and and angry hand-wringing over what the effects of the law might be.

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Self Interest?

How many times have you heard the Liberals and Progressives whine and bemoan the fact that the Middle-Class and many of those who are deemed poor vote Republican and adhere to traditional, conservative, American values. How many times have you heard our domestic enemies rant and rail about those people “voting against their self-interest?” And, in the same manner and with at least equal frequency and fervor, how many times have you heard these Liberals and Progressives wax vitriolic over the more productive and successful members of our population voting for their real, perceived, or projected – self-interest?

The question isn't IF your mother dropped you on your head, it's how many timesTheir Actions Beg The Question

If and when you think about the inherent logical interrupt in these positions, it sort of leaves you wondering as to what was the cause of this particular pathology.

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Keeping Schools Safe

We all believe in the value and rightness of keeping schools safe. It’s just that Americans and Liberals virulently disagree on how to do this. Americans don’t understand or approve of the Leftists’ policies towards firearms and thing that vaguely resemble firearms.

It’s pointless to list the many, many, many instances of the Liberal run school system punishing children for things that very vaguely resembled firearms or other weapons. The list of their offences is just too long to be provided here.

But let’s take Liberals’ “logic” to the next step…

Some letters are just too scary
The “L” And The “F” Need To Be Banned!

The only reason this isn’t side-splitting, belly-laughing funny is that it’s no more extreme and no more stupid than what the Liberals running American schools are already doing.

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