The My Choice Argument

Bluntly put, the “My Body, My Choice” argument from the Left is one I’ve heard – or rather read – in the past. It’s an old argument. It is essentially the same argument used by the majority of anti-abolitionists in the decades leading up to the Civil War.
There’s not much difference in fact or law between claiming that you find the enslavement of Blacks to be abhorrent but feel that it’s not your or the government’s place to deny them that “right” and saying that you find killing and unborn child to be abhorrent but feel that it’s not your or the government’s place to deny a woman that “right.”

And the core of both the slavers and the abortionists are the same, that the victims aren’t persons. They’re not and lesser to humans and have no rights and only the privileges granted to them by their betters. In the case of abortion, the privilege to live at all.
So, no matter how you look at it, the Left’s primary argument in favor of abortion is the same argument with the same core foundation as the argument in favor of continuing to allow slavery in the 1st half of the 19th Century. And, given how the Left has violently responded to the probably overturning of Roe v. Wade, it may well lead to something akin to next Civil War.
Tags: Abortion | America | Argument | Choices | Civil War | Democrats | Feminists | History | Infanticide | Law | Liberals | Murder | Personhood | Politics | Pro-Choice | Pro-Life | Progressives | SCOTUS | Slavery | Society