Unconstitutional Equity

Starting in the mid-1950s, America has been dealing with nigh on constant cries – often violent cries – for equality and the destruction of what racial activists have decried as White Supremacy. That was, as problematical and poorly thought out as it was, a necessary pain. There was at that time deliberate and government-enforced inequality between Whites and non-Whites. As such, cries for equality were not inherently a bad thing.
In all truth, back then, it was a good and necessary thing that they won and that the Civil Rights Movement, for all its chaos and flaws, won the day. Though, even then, it was not enough for the Blacks or their enablers and even the venerated MLK later decided that “reparations” should be handed out to his people, thereby setting the stage for later woes.
And therein was the rot that twisted and distorted Civil Rights into the sick caricature and anti-American thing it is today. Equality was decided soon after it was achieved to be not nearly enough.
Equity vs. Equality
Equality – what used to be purported as a good thing and a goal – meant each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity – the Left’s and their minorities’ newspeak for wanting more – states that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome irrespective of those circumstances or their input into the process.

Yes; that’s the sad and maddening truth of what Civil Rights have been corrupted into devolving down to. Equality is deprecated among minorities, especially the Blacks, and their “woke” enablers in these times. Now the word is “Equity” and it is a strident demand for special privileges and advantages, preferably and most often mandatorily at the expense of White people, especially White Men, and most especially Straight White Men.
And this isn’t just hateful and wrongheaded rhetoric. Both government agencies and private sector corporations are putting tangible measure into place to give minorities special advantages and privileges, including but not limited to: prioritized hiring and promotions, special career-based educational programs, and special protections against Whites.
At The Risk Of “Shadowing” Things
At the marginal risk of “shadowing” the issue and its problems, and repeating the judgemental errors of the Warren Court’s opinion on Roe v. Wade, it’s my opinion that the actions taken to further Equity instead of Equality are not just wrong, racist, sexist, heterophobic, and pernicious, they’re unconstitutional and a violation of White people’s – specially Straight White Men – Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. There is little to no functional difference between providing special benefits to people based upon their race, creed, color, gender, or sexual proclivities and denying them such based upon those same criteria. Either way, it falls solidly under the Penumbra of the 14th Amendment and, hence, should be considered a violation of the Civil Rights Act.
Of course, the Left, their minorities, and their politicians disagree with this. Or rather, even if they agree with the premise, they don’t care. Their point in switching from equality to equity was explicitly to take current wealth and future opportunity from Whites and redistribute to others. And, the taking is at least as important to them as their redistributing is.
Tags: 14th Amendment | America | Blacks | Civil Rights | Civil War | Constitution | Constitutional Law | Democrats | Equality | Equity | LGBTQ | Liberals | Minorities | Misandry | Politics | Privilege | Progressives | Queers | Race War | Sexism | Society | Transsexuals | War On Whites | Whites