
Just another screaming, angry buck nigger

A real issue with those Blacks who identify as “African-American” is the punctuation involved. The hyphen is wrong and should be used. The grammatical/logical symbol that should be separating “African” from “American” is ↮ the symbol for contradiction or an XOR value choice. This is especially true because the etymological root of “contradiction” is the Latin contradico, “speak against.”

(Contradiction, Opposition, Antithesis, Exclusive Choice)

The sad fact of it is that they’re either Black/African or they’re American. At best, and that best is vanishingly rare, it’s a sliding scale between being part of their people or part ours. They can’t be both because Blacks – those acknowledged by their own people as being Black Enough and not an American, e.g., those derided as being Oreos and/or Uncle Toms/ Aunt Jemimas – hate America and her people. And, you can’t be a true member of a people and/or nation while holding it to be utterly evil, loathsome, and the existential enemy of “your people.”

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#BlackLivesMatter 2017?

#BlackLivesMatter 2017#BlackLivesMatter 2017?

Will this be a vision of #BlackLivesMatter in 2017? Will we be seeing well-armed, half-naked thugs running around the broken, smoking ruins of their ghettos hunting for Whites to assault, rape, and/or murder in the coming year? Given their escalating violence and degenerating sense, I think this is an important question.

Think about it. Americans, stupidity addicted to “tolerance,” continually refuse to take reasonable measures to curb the Blacks’ excesses and protect the American population at large, so what’s to stop #BlackLivesMatter from spreading their insurrection and terrorism across America? They do, after all, hate us and desire to bring “Black America” to the forefront and displace White America.

Honestly, I can see no reason why 2017 won’t be a year of Black rebellion, insurrection, and racial terrorism. I can’t do so because one can’t apply reason to a thing that is not based upon reason.

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Rights And Wrongs

The descent pf Negro activism
Civil Rights And Wrongs

Do not mistake me. I’m too much the student of true history to be one of those who has “white washed” and deified Martin Luther King Jr. The man was so much worse, but also so much more than the comfortable caricature we’ve created of him. Still, that being said, he was so much better than the parasites, grifters, and vermin that rose from his corpse.

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Threat Assessment

Which is the more dangerous virus, Ebola or Obama?
Threat Assessment: Ebola vs. Obama

Many Americans are concerned about the Obama Regime’s bringing patients infected with Ebola into the country instead of treating in situ in already plague-ridden areas of Africa. While their concerns are quite valid, Ebola isn’t especially contagious and, hence, may not pose anywhere near the level of threat to the American public as other “diseases” of African origin which are already endemic within our borders.

On the other hand, this may not be a completely fair comparison. Ebola is a virus while Obama and his constituency and followers are a parasitic infection – one that resulted from Americans falling into slovenly housekeeping practices.

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Politics Of Parasitism

Jay Carney - Filthy sack of shit and valid targetObama’s current mouthpiece, Jay Carney is a proud supporter of- and flunky to Obama as well as being shining star in the cult of Liberalism or, at least, he’s good at getting on his knees as providing lip server to Obama and his agenda.

The problem, such as it is, lies in the fact that Carney is no better at actually thinking and speaking than the average Liberal. Hence, Obama’s mouthpiece sometimes speaks stupidly.

Carney latest atupid utterance was in response to being questions about the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) determining that ObamaCare encourages American residents to work less or not work at all.

Opportunity created by affordable, quality health insurance allows families in America to make a decision about how they will work, or if they will work.

— Jay Carney
White House Press Secretary

Yep. Carney chose to come across as believing that CBO’s showing that ObamaCare’s inherent disincentive to work, a disincentive expected to cost the equivalent of 2.3 million jobs, is a good thing and an opportunity.

Of course, this sums up Obama’s and the Liberals’ ideology perfectly and succinctly. Liberalism is the politics of parasitism. To them anything that increases America’s parasitic load is laudable.

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