Joe Bad Hands Biden

They’ve No Issue Now With Joe Bad Hands Biden

I’m not at this point going to go too far into Creepy Uncle Joe’s issues with women’s personal spaces. They’re well documented, as is my position on them. Hence, those topics don’t really bear repeating.

No, what’s more important right now is the rank hypocrisy being shown by our domestic enemies, the Democrats and their ilk. The captured tweet above sums it up well, as does the “nuanced” and “triangulated” response by #MeToo’s darling, Alyssa Milano. They literally have no problem anymore with Biden’s behavior now that he’s the de facto Democrat Nominee against President Trump for the 2020 Elections.

“Hugs, kisses, and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable?” That’s not an established pattern of sexual harassment and sexual assault… not if the man in question is their Nominee. #BelieveAllWomen? Not if, as in Tara Reade’s case, that woman is accusing their Nominee!

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Creepy Uncle Joe’s Woes

Creepy Uncle Joe's Woes Are Lamentable
Creepy Uncle Joe’s Woes Are Lamentable

Joe Biden’s – aka Creepy Uncle Joe – current woes are actually lamentable, though entirely expected, or almost so. It was likely only a matter of time and “usefulness” before some woman or set of women voiced outrage over Biden’s very well established and documented misunderstanding of people’s, especially women’s, personal space.

So, now Ole Joe is embroiled in debacle and the Left is seemingly split upon the matter, with some siding with Biden and other’s reviling him. And the debacle is exacerbated by both Biden not being able to say he didn’t do it and by his utter inability not to gaffe when put under pressure. And that is, to me at least, both lamentable and very indicative of some of our nation’s current problems.

Yes, Biden has a long history of invading people’s personal spaces and making them uncomfortable. But also yes, all reports indicate that he is a kind man who never once meant anything “appropriateness” by that behavior and held neither disrespect for- or ill will towards anyone he acted in that way towards. And #IBelieveHim! 😉

Yet, according to the Feminists and their enablers, motive and intent don’t matter at all. All that matters is how the woman or womyn feels about whatever happened. Indeed, by the same rules, any argument by a man about his intentions is just “mansplaining,” “patriarchal condescension,” and “enabling Rape Culture.”

But that just brings up the nasty, tangled knot of hypocrisy among the Left over this sort of issue. So many of them made is stridently clear that they “believed” the utterly unconfirmed and refuted accusations against Justice Kavanaugh but believe Biden to the point of accusing the women who complained of being political operatives. But, at the same time, so many of them who signal as true believers of #MeToo, being apparently as against Biden as they were Kavanaugh, seem to be associated with other 2020 Democrat candidates.

Yeah, it’s a lamentable mess. But at least it’s not our problem. It’s the Democrats problem.

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Abortive Reasoning

Abortive Reasoning Among Feminists
Abortive Reasoning Among Feminists

Now, it’s true that we’ve only one  reported case so far of a feminist aborting their baby because it was a boy and that case is unconfirmed. Yet, the important part of that is “reported.” We’ve no real idea how many feminists have killed off their own unborn children because they were going to have a son and they believe all men are sexual predators.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be that surprised if this were far more common than we’ve been given evidence of.  Given the reasoning of Feminists, it even makes a sick sort of sense that they’d prefer to kill their unborn sons – future predators – in an effort to end the “Patriarchy.”

And it’s not as if sex-selection wasn’t a disturbingly common reason for abortion in the first place, at least outside the Civilized World.  It’s certainly not unreasonable or illogical to posit that Feminists, who do not value men, would act in similar, if converse, manner to those cultures who do not value women. There’s little behavioral difference, after all, between misogyny and misandry.

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The ACLU’s New Honesty

The ACLU's New Honesty
The ACLU’s New Honesty

Here’s another bit of interest from the Left’s now largely defunct hysterical mob action over Justice Kavanaugh: The ACLU in a rare paroxysm of honesty came out and campaigned  – to the point of spending millions of dollars on multi-state ads – against Kavanaugh’s nomination solely because of Ford’s now discredited allegations against him.

But, at least this is a much needed bit of honesty on the ACLU’s part.  And it is honesty, as a leaked internal memo shows clearly. The ACLU has officially abandoned their commitment to the Bill of Rights in favor of “Social Justice.” Now they’re just another hate group and, sadly, a well-funded one at that, with a large stable of lawyers to use in lawfare against the American people.

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Cryptovictims - No Evidence Yet Some Believe
Cryptovictims – No Evidence Yet Some Believe

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