Creepy Uncle Joe’s Woes

Creepy Uncle Joe's Woes Are Lamentable
Creepy Uncle Joe’s Woes Are Lamentable

Joe Biden’s – aka Creepy Uncle Joe – current woes are actually lamentable, though entirely expected, or almost so. It was likely only a matter of time and “usefulness” before some woman or set of women voiced outrage over Biden’s very well established and documented misunderstanding of people’s, especially women’s, personal space.

So, now Ole Joe is embroiled in debacle and the Left is seemingly split upon the matter, with some siding with Biden and other’s reviling him. And the debacle is exacerbated by both Biden not being able to say he didn’t do it and by his utter inability not to gaffe when put under pressure. And that is, to me at least, both lamentable and very indicative of some of our nation’s current problems.

Yes, Biden has a long history of invading people’s personal spaces and making them uncomfortable. But also yes, all reports indicate that he is a kind man who never once meant anything “appropriateness” by that behavior and held neither disrespect for- or ill will towards anyone he acted in that way towards. And #IBelieveHim! 😉

Yet, according to the Feminists and their enablers, motive and intent don’t matter at all. All that matters is how the woman or womyn feels about whatever happened. Indeed, by the same rules, any argument by a man about his intentions is just “mansplaining,” “patriarchal condescension,” and “enabling Rape Culture.”

But that just brings up the nasty, tangled knot of hypocrisy among the Left over this sort of issue. So many of them made is stridently clear that they “believed” the utterly unconfirmed and refuted accusations against Justice Kavanaugh but believe Biden to the point of accusing the women who complained of being political operatives. But, at the same time, so many of them who signal as true believers of #MeToo, being apparently as against Biden as they were Kavanaugh, seem to be associated with other 2020 Democrat candidates.

Yeah, it’s a lamentable mess. But at least it’s not our problem. It’s the Democrats problem.

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2 Responses to “Creepy Uncle Joe’s Woes”

  1. Worse Woes Than Biden — Reflections From a Murky Pond Says:

    […] Creepy Uncle Joe’s Woes […]

  2. Joe Bad Hands Biden — Reflections From a Murky Pond Says:

    […] not at this point going to go too far into Creepy Uncle Joe’s issues with women’s personal spaces. They’re well documented, as is my position on […]

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