That’s Straight-Up Funny

Texans - That's Straight Up Funny
Texans – That’s Straight-Up Funny

I never did care much about what or with who people do to get their rocks off beyond thinking that some it was gross and not something I wanted to see or hear. But then, I’ve also been no friend or ally to the Gays since their bullshit over California’s Prop 8, and that chasm has grown deeper and broader with all the subsequent “Gay Agenda” lawfare that they engage in to force acceptance of their behaviors.

The above all being said, I find the image to be straight-up funny (pun very, very much intended) – hilarious even! 😆 👿

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Liberals’ On Full-Auto

Gun-Grabbers Set For Full-AutoLiberals’ On Full-Auto

Whenever there’s an “appropriately” high profile crime that involved the use of a firearm – this particular time being Devin Kelly’s massacre of 26 people in First Baptist Church in rural Sutherland Springs, Texas – Americans are immediately assaulted by the Liberal and Progressive gun-grabbers. And yes, it’s a full-auto assault; a rapid fire attack of blamecasting, hoplophobia, and the vilest hatred towards the American people. Ironically, the shear volume of the gun-grabbers’ attempted verbal suppressive fire clearly indicates that they’ve gone beyond mere high-capacity magazines of vitriol and spite and have switch to belt-fed systems.

The only difference between the Sutherland Springs massacre and previous killings of note is that the Liberals and Progressives changed their strategies. They’re no longer committing targeted attacks against GOP lawmakers and the NRA as an organization. They’ve switched a strategic warfare model, targeting any and all NRA members and Republican voters.

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Politico’s View Of Harvey

Politico’s View Of Harvey
(Click to Enlarge)

In case you’re wondering, this is Politico’s view of Hurricane Harvey’s destruction to the Houston area of Texas. Politico’s illustrator, Matt Wuerker chose to mock Texan storm victims, portraying them as religious zealots and Confederate sympathizers who want to secede from the United States. Of course, that sort of behavior is part and parcel of Liberals’ ideology.

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Lying While Black

Just another lying, sack pf shit NegroOh no! Another poor, oppressed Black was harassed by the police for “Walking While Black” … or not. Closer to the truth would be to say that ANS sufferer was busted by the American people for “Lying While Black.”

Dorothy Bland, a Black, wrote a horrific oped for the Dallas Morning News detailing how police in Corinth, TX accosted her for “Walking While Black.”

In it, Bland, who was a “journalist” and is now the Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism and the director for the Frank W. Mayborn Graduate Institute of Journalism of North Texas, detailed her fears and White Supremacist oppression of the Corinth PD, hitting all the needful buzzwords to set off her bruthas and sistas, and the Liberals and Progressives who enable them.

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Government Response

We should all remember that America is a nation of both laws and government agencies who are the sole holders of the mandates to affect the enforcement of those laws and to provide the services and protections deriving from them. It’s really not our place to do other than report what we observe. 😉

While hiking down along the border this morning, I saw a Muslim extremist fall into the Rio Grande River. He was struggling to stay afloat because of all the guns and bombs he was carrying.

Along with him was a Mexican who was also struggling to stay afloat because of the large backpack of drugs that was strapped to his back. If they didn’t get help, they’d surely drown.

Being a responsible Texan and abiding by the law to help those in distress, I informed the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office and Homeland Security.

It is now 4 PM, both have drowned, and neither authority has responded. I’m starting to think I wasted two stamps.

— Sam Elliot

Please also remember that you cannot be compelled to render any form of aid or assistance to anyone. Nor can you be compelled to report a crime that you witness.

Feel free to let the various and sundry agencies of the government respond to such things.

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