Wifebeater Politics

Democrats' Wifebeater Politics
Democrats’ Wifebeater Politics

Branco’s imagery perfectly sums up the Democrats’ wifebeater politics. Maine’s and Colorado’s unconstitutional election rigging by illegally removing President Trump from the 2024 Republican Primary ballot proves that the will, without shame or qualm, beat down the Lady of Democracy in order to prevent the restoration of President Trump presidency.

Expect worse to come and make all needed preparations to take direct action when they steal this election.

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CDC Goes Humpty Dumpty

The CDC, both bowing to the reality that COVID-19 vaccines don’t work and striving to maintain their magisterium, have decided to go full-on Humpty Dumpty and decide that words mean just what they choose it to mean – neither more nor less.

The CDC use to defined “Vaccine” as “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”, while “Vaccination” was defined as “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

Now, however, the CDC defines “Vaccine” as “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases,” and “Vaccination” is now “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.”

What it comes down to is that they were forced to admit that the “preventative” medications that they were touting – and other parts of the government were forcing us to subject ourselves to – didn’t meet the CDC’s own standards for “Vaccines.” But, being what and who they are, their solution was to simply change their – and therefor de facto the government’s – definitions of “Vaccine” and “Vaccination.”

It’s a small change in verbiage. A minor and more honest definition change if one is speaking of anything coronavirus-related. But, it’s a change that opens the doors for massive and tyrannical government overreach.

Think about it. If a vaccine no longer has to provide a reasonably level of immunity to a disease, just some level of protection from it or its effects, what other medications can the government, with its long cultural and legal history of being able to demand people get vaccinated, force us to take?

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Culling The 62%?

Do you think it is ever justified for citizens to take violent action against the government, or is it never justified?

The above was the 12th question in a recent Washington Post-University of Maryland poll. It was a question that 62% of the 1,100 respondents, who were a fairly even mix of Republicans (300), Democrats (399), and Independents (295), answered: “Never Justified.”

America Will Burn
And So The American Experiment Will End

And so, if true-born and rightly-raised Americans set back and do nothing, the Grand Experiment that is America shall come to a sad and shuddering end, borne down into the muck and mire of history under the twin weights of greed and obedience.

When 62% of people within our nation’s borders are willing to state that they believe that it is never justified to take violent action against the government, we’re past the point of normalcy or rhetoric as a means of saving Americans. When that many individuals reject the purpose and point of the 2nd Amendment, there’s little to no hope of a good outcome that doesn’t involve force majeur on Americans’ part.

No, in order to save America, patriots culling the 62% from, at a minimum, the electorate, more likely the public sphere in general, and possibly the population itself, is a course of action that must be seriously considered. Obviously, the tree of Liberty is parched and must be watered.

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Abuse Is Abuse

Abuse Is Abuse - It Doesn't Stop Being Abuse Just Because The Government Does It
Abuse Is Abuse

There’s the thing; we’ve too many people who don’t understand that abuse is abuse, irrespective of where or who it’s coming from. Indeed, what is acceptable for the People to do to each other is often not acceptable for the government to do the People.

Currently, in the context of the various government responses to COVID-19, this easily steps over the line into abuse due to there not being equal protection under the law. Instead, many people are told to stay in Lock-Down while groups and activities favored by certain politicians are exempt from this.

Sadly for the nation, too many people either don’t understand this or don’t care. That makes it hard to enact a solution to the problem.

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If People Were Told …

If People Were Told ...
If People Were Told …

While I’m not against all, or even most, of the initial responses to COVID-19, the blind, slavish, eagerness that a lot people showed towards following what were quite destructive and draconian quarantine measures is quite disturbing. Not surprising, but quite disturbing.

And the way you jumped on the social engineering point of this all being to protect others instead of ourselves and branded any dissenters as public enemies, was and is even more disturbing.

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