The Reason

The Reason For This Three-Day Weekend
The Reason For This Three-Day Weekend

Yeah. Just in case any of you forgot the reason for this three-day weekend. And no; please don’t wish a vet a happy Memorial Day. 🙄 Just try to give a passing thought to the fact that Memorial Day is the most expensive holiday in America that none of us had to directly pay for.

But, in my opinion, keep it to a passing thought if you’re a pure civilian. Leave the rest to those of us in service now, us veterans, and the Dependents. Just have fun. It’s already been payed for.

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Where It Will All End

Where It Will All End - The Grave
Where It Will All End – The Grave

There’s a simple truth that so many find uncomfortable. It and each of us will all end in the grave. Death is Life’s one constant. Embrace an old man’s wisdom; accept your death as a great gift and a guaranteed end of your sentence. 😉

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My Daily To-Do List

My Daily To-Do List
My Daily To-Do List

The short form of my daily to-do list. 😉 Yes, there’s normally other things on it – not be a Democrat, I do have work to do. So, it far more often than not has something else as 3 with ‘Repeat Steps 1 and 2’ between each of those additional tasks.

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My Spirit Animal Doesn't…

My Spirit Animal Doesn't...
My Spirit Animal Doesn’t…

My spirit animal doesn’t exist! Oh wait! Maybe I was wrong about that. 😆 It’s looks like there’s a spirit animal for everyone, even bloody-handed, old grognards like me. 😉

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The Pope Hammer

The Pope Hammer
The Pope Hammer

And, introducing the Pope Hammer! 😆 Yes, this is a real thing that the Catholic Church came up with long ago. Whenever a sitting Pope died, it was the solemn duty of the Cardinal Camerlengo to “gently” strike him upon his head three times while calling out his Baptismal Name aka his given or first name. If he didn’t respond – after being struck in the head by a hammer up to three times – he was declared truly and really dead and the process for selecting his successor was begun.

So… Sometime “fairly” soon:

BAM! Jorge? BAM! Jorge? BAM Jorge?

Yeah, I’m guessing that Pope Francis aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio isn’t going to get merely a set of love taps when he’s presumed dead. Being both the first Jesuit Pope and the First non-European one doesn’t bode to well for him in that respect, given the nature of the Church. 😉

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