The Year So Far

The Year So Far In One Image
The Year So Far In One Image

Sadly, that pretty much sums up the year so far. Of course, it’s pretty much sums up just about any point in any year since 2020, so this is the new normal for now, and I don’t see that soon changing overall. 🙄

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Where It Will All End

Where It Will All End - The Grave
Where It Will All End – The Grave

There’s a simple truth that so many find uncomfortable. It and each of us will all end in the grave. Death is Life’s one constant. Embrace an old man’s wisdom; accept your death as a great gift and a guaranteed end of your sentence. 😉

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My Daily To-Do List

My Daily To-Do List
My Daily To-Do List

The short form of my daily to-do list. 😉 Yes, there’s normally other things on it – not be a Democrat, I do have work to do. So, it far more often than not has something else as 3 with ‘Repeat Steps 1 and 2’ between each of those additional tasks.

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The Cost Of Convenience

The Cost Of Convenience
The Cost Of Convenience

Look, I love Amazon, somewhat in spite of the harm it’s caused a lot of brick and mortar shops. But, the cost of convenience is the loss of getting out and doing… of hunting and gathering 😉

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Life Is

Not a fan of John Lennon, but he was right in this. Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. In this case, it’s an attack of life getting in the way of my normal blogging schedule. 🙁
