The Year So Far

The Year So Far In One Image
The Year So Far In One Image

Sadly, that pretty much sums up the year so far. Of course, it’s pretty much sums up just about any point in any year since 2020, so this is the new normal for now, and I don’t see that soon changing overall. 🙄

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Illegal Electioneering?

Obama as The Joker - SocialismIs it merely coincidence that the Obama Regime is moving the illegal immigrants flooding through America’s southern “border” to, and only to, areas – if one listens to what his media reports upon – of the country where the Latino vote could swing the results of the upcoming 2014 elections? Or is this a deliberate attempt by the Obama Regime to politically profiteer off of the misery and fear of these illegal aliens, the current majority being unaccompanied children who’ve been sent to the US alone to avoid conflict in Central and South America? We don’t, after all, hear about them being moved to camps in vulnerable Blue states.

This has been billed as a crisis and we all know that the Obama Regime is quasi-religious about not letting a crisis go to waste if they can manipulate the perception of it to their benefit. Then again, it might be nothing more than coincidence based upon available camps to house these people and personnel to deal with them.

Which do you think? Coincidence or a cynical attempt to use these illegals for electioneering purposes?

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Beautiful Or Cynical?

This video of one of the most elaborate marriage proposals that I’ve ever seen showed up in my Facebook newsfeed a while ago. While I doubt, given its source and the seriously high production value, that it’s real, it struck me somewhat oddly.

Because of the way I think I’m forced to wonder, if this was a real proposal, is it perhaps the most beautiful and romantic proposal in recent public memory or an equally egregious case of one person cynically manipulating another for his own ends?

Since I know that my mind doesn’t work like most people’s, why don’t you readers tell me what you think of this proposal?

Was his proposal beautiful and romantic or cynically manipulative

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For the record – in case you couldn’t guess – I found it to be a cynically manipulative ploy because it forced the women to either accept the proposal or both a hugely public scene and basically tell her friends and family that she didn’t respect their opinions.

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