Biden – 55% President

Biden – 55% President

I know the image says 47% of voters, but, after reading several polls and trying to normalize the numbers, it seems to me that it’s 45% of voters who believe that Biden didn’t fairly and honestly win the 2020 Presidential Election.

Why such a large number and percentage of voters believe that the 2020 elections were rigged is rather immaterial, though a point of ongoing hatred and rancor for the Left. What’s important is that Biden is not going to an easy time in office with that many viewing him as a usurper.

When you add in the fact that there are at least as solid grounds to impeach Biden immediately upon his inauguration as there ever was to impeach President Trump, but the Democrats never, ever will, and you’ve got a recipe for an angry and disillusioned populace to take direct corrective action. After all, it’s not as if the ongoing, nationwide violence by the Blacks and their enablers has shown Americans that violence does sway people into at least saying that they endorse your views.

Yeah, it’s looking likely that it’s going to be a rough ride, and the best I believe that Americans can hope for and work towards is that it’s a rougher ride for the the Dems and, for them, a one-way trip.

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