Our Fertile Heartland

Our Fertile Heartland
Our Fertile Heartland

In America we have a fertile heartland. Our nation’s heart and soul is strong and still making and raising children, though the numbers are down a bit from previous times – just not as far down as in the cities, where females tend to be more self-centered and uninterested in being mothers.

Ready For Sowing

So, Gentlemen, if you want a family, remember that the country girls are fertile and far more ready for you to sow your seed in them. 😉 It’s a good time to show the Democrats, who congregate in urban areas, that Americans don’t need immigrants to keep our numbers stable.

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Reproductive Duties

Gentlemen, Remember Your Reproductive Duties

With the CDC’s report that American fertility and reproductive rates have fallen to record-lows and, at a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 1.76 we’re dangerously below the 2.1 TFR needed to maintain population levels, this is potentially catastrophic for our nation’s and people’s future.

So, Gentlemen – especially my fellow White men – we need to get busy fulfilling our reproductive duties. Hence, this post goes beyond the appreciation of the female form and prurience – though, as we all know, prurience is no oddity in Reflections From A Murky Pond – and is meant as both inspiration and a call to action.

America needs babies! So, gentlemen, we need to get out there and make some… a lot of them. Do it for you country!

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