Respect Is Earned

Juan Merchan
Respect is Earned Mr. Merchan

ROFLMAO. It is a little hard to respect the dignity of a court who’s bringing out and listening to the testimony of a teen stripper turned porn actress, the porn director. It’s even harder to believe in the dignity of a court that is nothing but Democrats’ attempt to keep President Trump from returning to the office and position that they stole from him in 2020.

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Obama On Dissent

It seems that with each and every issue that arises Obama is heard trash-talking, dissing, and generally casting shade upon those who dissent from his agenda. It seems that the boy has a idiosyncratic idea of the definition of “Bully Pulpit.”

You need to shut your racist, White mouths
Obama On Dissent – Let Me Be Clear

The thing is that, when you strip away all his well-spoken nuance, all he’s ever said is that White people – who are, after all, inherently racist because they’re White – need to just shut their mouths. Sure Obama says this with no trace of Negro dialect but the content of his words is the same and that’s what’s important.

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She’s An Office Wonder

In truth, it’s hard to keep even a small office running smoothly. It involves a plethora of tasks and duties that are as needful as they are tedious. So we should appreciate our receptionist, our secretary, our administrative assistant, and most assuredly our office manager.

She’s An Office Wonder

She’s really a superheroine in business wear and a wonder in the office. A goddess, if you will, deserving of respect and worship. Who else can all that she does while, at the same time, so beautifying our work environment?

And it’s even better and more beautiful if she’s not one of the ones complaining about how cold it is in the office

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To Obamacize

Americans have always had a great deal of respect and admiration for the plain-spoken man. Unsurprisingly, Obama has always rejected such clear, frank, and honest speech in favor of “nuance.”

To Obamacize
To Obamacize…

Yep! There’s being well-spoken, “with no Negro dialect” and then there’s what Obama does whenever he speaks in public.

The roots of Obamacizing could be overcompensation for choosing to be Black. More likely though, it’s just the boy’s way of trying to both feed his narcissism by making himself sound superior to whoever he speaking at and to always give himself “an out” if called upon any of his lies.

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MSM: #RespectForIslam

MSM - Respect For Islam
MSM Wants #RespectForIslam

The MSM is made up of two sorts of what must be generously labeled as people. There are the oikophobes who fear, loath, and hate anything that part of long-standing Western culture; and then there are the cowards who believe in little or nothing and will only “speak truth to power” when there’s no credible risk to themselves by doing so.

Muslims know this and repeatedly and consistently take advantage of it. The Muslim vermin’s slaughter of the staff of Charlie Hebdo was as much a calculated reinforcement of the MSM’s fear of them as it was another expected paroxysm of feral savagery by the the cultist of the Pedophile Prophet.

Frankly, the only way to intervene in this is for people to make the MSM more afraid of us than they are the ragheads, just as the only way to force the “moderate” Muslims to apply something akin to substance to their supposed disavowal of their radicals is make them more terrified of us then they are of the jihadis.

Also, I utterly, completely, and unequivocally reject the entire concept of showing any form of #RespectForIslam or its filthy adherents beyond respecting the damage that they are capable of so as not to discount the threat each and every one of them may pose to Man.

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