China: Olympic Gymnasts

A rare photo of one of China’s 2012 Olympic gymnastics hopefuls. She’s training hard for 2012 Summer Games – between naps and diaper changes.

Chinese Olympic gymnastics hopeful training for 2012 Summer Games
With a grateful H/T to Dame Wiggy!

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6 Responses to “China: Olympic Gymnasts”

  1. The Razzler Says:

    Ha, love it!

  2. jonolan Says:

    Thank you, Razzler. I’m glad you got a kick out of it.

  3. Moriah Says:

    Please tell me it’s photoshopped.

  4. Nikos Kouremenos Says:

    hehe nice 🙂

  5. Only in China (in nine months you become two years older) « me and my thoughts Says:

    […] Only in China (in nine months you become two years older) At least some see it with humour […]

  6. abesheet Says:

    Lol. Very cute, both the baby and post 😉 . I’ve heard of mothers who leave their kids hanging somewhere, literally this time, when busy. 9-10 months are especially known for their tight grip. To be honest, the thought should scare anybody with a kindly regard for the little blighters. But I guess it’s better than getting them drunk so they’d be sound asleep.

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