27 Real Hard Questions
Here’s 27 real hard questions by Blacks for Blacks – 27 questions that could, if honestly answered, be the basis of an extended “teachable moment” about the “Black Community” and the pathology of Blackness in America. In other words, here’s the basis for Holder’s “frank discussions about race.”
- Why is it so hard to be on time?
- If my dab is on fleek, am I lit?
- Why is it a problem if I like anime?
- Why do Black people look at your shoes before they greet you?
- Why are we more likely to engage in the new dance trend than we are to get involved in politics or opening a business?
- How did watermelon become our thing?
- Why do you get upset when I don’t like a Black celebrity?
- Why do we call each other the N-word but get vehemently upset when a White person uses the N-word?
- Why is my natural hair seen as a political statement?
- Why do we think people with light skin look better than people with dark skin?
- Do you really believe that Black is beautiful? Or is that something you say ’cause it sounds cool?
- Why do some Black people say that you’re pretty “for a dark-skinned girl�
- Why do some Black men only date White women?
- Why is it okay for Black men to date White women but not okay for a Black woman to date outside her race?
- Why do you protest Black Lives Matter – and then tear each other down in the next breath?
- Why do we say that we don’t want to be seen as a monolith, but then try to take people’s Black Cards away for not liking something that’s “supposedly†Black?
- Why are we so quick to support a non-Black-owned business but then hesitate when it’s a Black-owned business?
- Is there a cut-off time for this whole homophobia thing in the Black community?
- Why is growing up without a father so common in our race?
- Why don’t we like to confront our mental health issues?
- Why is there a checklist for being Black?
- Why is being educated considered a “White†thing? Why can’t I love school and also be Black?
- Why do I have to be mixed in order to have long hair?
- Why do you think well-off Black people don’t know what it means to be Black?
- Why do some Black people say, “Oh, I have Native American in my family,†in order to feel interesting or more valuable than other Black people around them?
- Why can’t we just acknowledge that there are a bunch of different types of Black people walking around and they’re all amazing and unique and special in their own way?
- Why are we always looking for the discount?
OK, in my opinion only 25 of those 27 questions are worthy of an answer other than an eye roll or a slap to face because questions because questions 2 and 27 are beyond stupid. But that still leaves 25 real and probably hard questions for the “Black Community” to answer.
Not, of course, that we’d ever get an answer to these questions out of the Blacks. Hell! The Blacks at Buzzfeed who first asked these questions of other Blacks couldn’t even get much in the way of answers beyond, “Institutional RACISM!!!!” amid a long stream of deflections, tired and trite insults, and the occasional expected threat.
Tags: America | Blacks | Culture | Niggers | Racism | Sarcasm | Vermin
March 3rd, 2019 at 8:36 am
[…] Of course, the Dems – especially their ever-angry minority sharecroppers – were quick to attack Jones over his “race treason,” labeling him a worthless “Sell-Out” and lamenting that he no longer seemed to hate Whites enough to be still considered “Black Enough.” […]