Sadly, This Has To Be Said

Sadly, This Has To Be Said
Sadly, This Has To Be Said

Sadly, in these degenerate times, this has to be said. I’m glad and rather shocked that Miss America 2024 is a woman and not a tranny. And, I’m even more shocked that she is an active-duty 2nd lieutenant in the US Air Force. I’m also slightly surprised – only slightly though – that she’s White, since minorities – especially the Blacks as always – have been significantly overrepresented among Miss America pageant winners in recent times.

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He Said, She Said

He Said, She Said
He Said, She Said

Apparently, some 20 years ago Donald Trump, then the brand new owner of the Miss Universe Pageant, “fat shamed” the then current Miss Universe, Alicia Machado by calling her “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping.” He also supposedly “publicly humiliated” her for gaining a large amount of weight after winning the pageant by inviting reporters to watch her work out at the gym. Trump even described Machado as “somebody who liked to eat.” Apparently, this also seems to matter in the election circus or, at least, Hillary and her proxies want to make it so.

I don’t honestly know whether to laugh or to weep. Comparing the things that Mr. Trump said decades ago to the various lies and insults Hillary has committed throughout those same years, e.g., her recent calling of a huge swath of Americans “a basket of deplorables” is taking false equivalency and relevance into the bizarre realm of argumentum ad absurdum.

Really! In the arena of He Said, She Said, Hillary wouldn’t be the one to come out on top as the victor…not if her followers actually cared about more than her having a cunt.

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