My Thoughts On Hodgkinson
For what they’re worth, here are my thoughts on the June 14, 2017 mass assassination attempt of Republican Congressmen in Alexandria, VA:
In all ways, shapes, and forms this was utterly predictable as was the aftereffects and rhetoric that followed. It is and was so predictable in fact that it seems almost pointless to comment upon. Hence, the delay in my doing so.
Not Just Bound To Happen, Planned To Happen
That Hodgkinson, a far-left neo-Socialist who was a fanatical follower of Bernie Sanders, went “over the edge” and tried to murder a large number of Republican politicians was totally predictable in the larger context.
Bernie’s campaign rhetoric and much of what has come out of his mouth since was centered on enraging the Left and focusing their anger on Republicans. Much of it is and was far closer to “war talk” than anything Sara Palin ever said. He may publicly claim he found Hodgkinson’s act of terrorism despicable, but his own rhetorical modis operendi has always been one that leads to this sort of political violence. It was utterly predictable that one of the failures that were devoted to him would do such a thing at some point or another.
Similarly, the apocalyptic rhetoric coming out of the mouths of Democrat politicians and dutifully repeated, amplified, and extrapolated upon by the Lamestream Enemedia was explicitly planned and designed to incite rage among the Liberals and Progressives. It is no shock whatsoever that one of their “more vulnerable” members – i.e., one of their worse failures in life – would decide that killing off as many of the GOP as possible was the right and only recourse available.
And, while “planned” may be, and probably is, too strong of a term when applied to the Democrat politicians, I don’t feel it is so when applied to the “news media.” They got a lot a lot of rating boosts and, resultantly, a big boost in the auction value for ad spots from Hodgkinson as they knew they would. So, while it would be ridiculous to claim that they planned for Hodgkinson, it’s not in any way foolish, reactionary, or hyperbolic to say that their coverage of politics since President Trump’s election has been specifically designed to cause greater reaction and violence among the Left because that’s good business for them.
Same Old, Same Old Responses
Frankly, the various reactions and responses to Hodgkinson’s mass assassination attempt were even more predictable – and, hence, boring in a maddening extreme at this point – then his attack itself. Fucking Harlequin Romances from the ’70s and -80s were less formulaic and scripted.
- The Schadenfreude from the gun-grabbers – utterly predictable
- The claim, albeit short lived, that Hodgkinson used an AR-15 – utterly predictable
- The expressions of support for- endorsement of Hodgkinson’s action by devotees of Obamacare – utterly predictable
- The calls for compassion towards- and understanding Hodgkinson – utterly predictable
- Bernie trying to disavow and distance himself from Hodgkinson – utterly predictable
- The fact that after 24 hours the sole focus of the media was reporting upon people’s opinions of- and positions upon gun control – utterly predictable
- The blaming of the GOP and more specifically President Trump for the attack – utterly predictable
- The “praying for” the victims and their families and the calls for unity – utterly predictable
It’s not even an original script. It just another rendition of the one used for each and every Muslim terrorist attack inside America’s border and damn close to – have to leave out some of the gun-grabbers’ schtick – that used for any Muslim terror attack worldwide.
Those, my gentle readers, are my thoughts on Hodgkinson and his attack. Predictable, pointless, and utterly without consequence except for the principals involved and their families.
Tags: #BernieBros | America | Bernie | Civil War | Democrats | Domestic Enemies | Fake News | Hodgkinson | Insurrection | Lamestream Media | Liberals | Media Bias | Politics | Progressives | Republicans | Society | Trump
August 2nd, 2019 at 7:07 am
[…] It’s persuasive power is among their constituencies, e.g., #BlackLivesMatter, #Antifa, and James Hodgkinson. “Racist!” is just the Democrat’s call to direct […]