Don't Eat Wheaties!

Don't Eat Wheaties!
Don’t Eat Wheaties!

Please, don’t eat Wheaties! Look at what a decades-long steady diet of them did to Bruce Jenner. And, this shouldn’t come as a shock. Breakfast cereals like this were originally developed to lower testosterone in boys and men. 😆

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Bruce’s Boobs

Bruce's BoobsBruce’s Boobs

When questioned, Bruce Jenner aka Caitlyn Jenner, says that his/her new boobs actually improve his/her golf game, especially putting. This, of course, was such a “guy response” that it calls into question his/her actual, internalized status as a trans-woman. This “triggered” outrage among the LGBT activists.

But, all that being as it is, there is one very important thing for us all to remember. Bruce as Caitlyn is still more passable than the majority of the “cis-gendered” Feminist womyn out there. 😆

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Tebow Vs. Jenner

A study in tolerance, hate, and disgustTebow Vs. Jenner – A Study In Tolerance

The disparate response by America’s domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives, to Time Tebow and Caitlyn nee Bruce Jenner says a lot about them and what they loves vs. what they hate, fear, and loath.

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Cereal Trends

It’s sort of important to keep at least marginal track of breakfast cereal trends. They say a disturbingly lot about society and they a decent statistical of our children’s future health outcomes.

wheaties to froot loopsCereal Trends – From Wheaties To Froot Loops

Yeah, this certainly doesn’t look like a healthy trend in cereals at all, especially for our children. Transsexuality may be the new fad flavor but that doesn’t make it healthy diet. 😉

And yes. I find this image of Bruce or Caitlyn Jenner on the boxes of Wheaties and Froot Loops to be snarkily funny. I do almost feel bad about that – almost – because Jenner is suffering from a severe mental disease and I don’t normally like making fun of the insane or mentally damaged. If Jenner wasn’t a celebrity and one of the hangers-on of the Kardashians I’d never have posted this.

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