Traditional Safety Measures

Traditional Safety Measures Are OK Again
Traditional Safety Measures Are OK Again

Tradition safety measures on college campuses, i.e., segregating, quarantining, or sequestering Blacks – especially Black males – away from White students is OK again. It’s even now considered anti-racist. Indeed, the Blacks are actually demanding it and crowing over their “victory” when they get it. 😆

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So, Musk Is Saving Twitter

Musk Is Saving Twitter
Musk Is Saving Twitter

We now, as of Friday, November 19, 2022, have empirical evidence that Elon Musk is saving Twitter and greatly reducing the use of the social media platform for spread misinformation/disinformation to the world’s public. Apparently CBS has “suspended” its Twitter use. The Democrat propaganda outlet has indefinitely put a hold posting new tweets in the wake of Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and his subsequent cessation of censoring voices that run contrary to the Lamestream Media’s comfort.

It is thought that other media outlets which purport to be journalism will do the same in the coming days, weeks, or months. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, would go a long way towards saving Twitter from continuing to be the Orwellian, Social Justice Safe Space the ex or soon to be ex staff turned it into over the years.

So, much to the chagrin of Liberals, Progressives, and other crybullies, Musk is saving Twitter.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei!

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The Next Revolution

This is honestly why Americans, by and large, only roll their eyes at- and disparage the Liberals and Progressives who are still having fits and conniptions of Hillary being defeated Mr. Trump in the 2016 elections.

Pauline Revere's Ride
The Next Revolution

The men and women in America have since our nation’s proud and bloody inception respected strength, whereas the boys, womyn, gender-confused of the Left glorify weakness. Hence, their idea of revolution is not something that directly engenders any fear in our nation.

No. Their sort is allowed the privilege of their behaviors solely due to our tolerance of their failures. If and when they actually present a danger, e.g., if the alter the 2016 election results via suborning the Electoral College, Americans will respond in force and these puling, little Leftists will go scurrying back to their “safe spaces” like cockroaches when the light comes on.

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Undebatable Failure

This behind the scene picture from the recent Trump vs. Hillary debate at Hofstra University shows us that, irrespective of which candidate any individual thinks won the debate, our society as reflected by university students and faculty is an undebatable failure.


Undebatable Failure
(Click to Enlarge)

Oh, and to make things worse and an even greater failure, this warning sign was apparently not put up because of any specific content. The Student Union apparently provides such warnings to the “special snowflakes” whenever an uncomfortable topic might be brought up during an event. Of course, since Trump is man and Hillary a female and they would be in conflict, by the current standards in America’s colleges there was the guarantee of some sort of assault or abuse. Trump was, after all, not going to agree with her and that would be a trigger.

Oh wait! I’m an American White Man. By writing “trigger” I probably triggered one or more of the “special” people because it inherently referenced firearms and White Male Violence.

There is no denying that these young with their constant offense and equally constant venality and greed are failures at life and failures as the children of Man. So too, however, and to a greater shame are their “parents” who failed to raise them, much less raise them right.

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Flight Is Perfectly Fine

Like all Americans, I’m more than a little disgusted by the current crop of special snowflakes’ cowardice and narrow-mindedness. They’re “need” for Safe Spaces turns my stomach and wearies my soul. Still, if they want to run and hide from anything and everything that offends them by disagreeing with- or punching holes in their carefully crafted psychological baby blankets, I’m OK with that. Flight is perfectly fine and, under the basic, natural right of free association, is something that they must be allowed to do.

Everybody run to their safe spaces
Everybody Run To Their Safe Space!

The issue is that flight is not what they seek. Instead, they strive to silence and destroy any and all who disagree with the Liberal or Progressive pablum that they’ve been spoonfed. No, these children with little hope of- and less desire for growing into men and women want to extend their Safe Spaces and their ideology to all that they encounter and are perfectly willing take any all steps – as long as they don’t have to risk their blood or their mommies’ and daddies (If they have them) treasure.

No, if these pathetic cowards would flee, I would support them wholeheartedly while still shaking my head at their sensitivity. Since, instead, they seek to drive others away, I have no choice but to advocate for- and aid as I can in their destruction.

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