… Or Not

Hand Over Mouth Emoji

I just posted about how Elon Musk Is Saving Twitter, since one of the larger purveyors of Fake News, CBS had suspended their use of the platform last Friday. I, obviously, should have added “… or not.”

Yeah, approximately 48 hours after “leaving” Twitter, they were right back at it, to my frustration and Mr. Musk’s amusement.

I really should have known that, like all good things, this wouldn’t last.

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So, Musk Is Saving Twitter

Musk Is Saving Twitter
Musk Is Saving Twitter

We now, as of Friday, November 19, 2022, have empirical evidence that Elon Musk is saving Twitter and greatly reducing the use of the social media platform for spread misinformation/disinformation to the world’s public. Apparently CBS has “suspended” its Twitter use. The Democrat propaganda outlet has indefinitely put a hold posting new tweets in the wake of Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and his subsequent cessation of censoring voices that run contrary to the Lamestream Media’s comfort.

It is thought that other media outlets which purport to be journalism will do the same in the coming days, weeks, or months. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, would go a long way towards saving Twitter from continuing to be the Orwellian, Social Justice Safe Space the ex or soon to be ex staff turned it into over the years.

So, much to the chagrin of Liberals, Progressives, and other crybullies, Musk is saving Twitter.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei!

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Oh Snap, Twitter

Oh Snap, Twitter
Oh Snap, Twitter

Oh Snap! Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter seems to be going a lot like this. A whole lot of Americans domestic enemies seem to be being shattered and blown away by the eradication of their policy-enforced “safe space” where only their voices were allowed. 😉

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Retraining Displaced Workers

Retraining Displaced Workers
Retraining Displaced Workers

With Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter and the resultant purge/exodus of many of the leftists who had been employed there, some companies are stepping up to hire these workers. Even better, they’re offering the necessary retraining of them so that they can adapt to the new reality. 😉

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Their Hate Defines Them


As one reads all the rants, screeds, and wailing eulogies for Twitter in the wake of Elon Musk’s purchase of the social media platform, there is one thing to understand and keep firmly in the forefront of one’s mind – the one’s who are screaming over it are showing their true hearts. Their hate defines them; it is the cornerstone of their identities, their philosophies, their goals, and their allegiances. All else about them are facades, masks worn for public consumption in order to get money off of people.

One of the greatest things about Musk buying Twitter and taking it private and out of the control of short-term profit addicted investors is this very tsunami of hatred, vitriol, and hysterical rantings by the various sorts who quite rightfully fear their “safe space” is soon to be but a memory. Musk’s purchase violently stripped their masks off and showed the world just what these sorts are, what stand for, and what they hate.

And, They All Seem To Hate The Same Thing

Throughout it all since Musk bought Twitter, the fear, hate, and loathing have all been at the same thing or group of people – Straight, White Men. That’s who the Left hates and that’s who they want, at a minimum, censored and silenced on the internet. Hence, they are all the same. They are defined by their hatred of straight, white men.

The mere thought that straight, white men will no longer be censored and often expelled from Twitter drives them stark, raving mad. And yes, whether it’s objectively true or not – it is, but not so completely so that it can’t be denied – that’s exactly what the Leftists in their high dudgeon of race, gender, and sexual choice based hatred obviously believe Twitter has been doing. If this wasn’t entirely the case, they wouldn’t be screaming out their hatred of straight, white men to the world so openly.


So yes, their hate defines them. Their hatred of straight, white men is their identity and we must always remember this whenever we interact with them.

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