Unity Vs. Division

Unity Vs. Division
Unity Vs. Division

It’s extremely ironic – sad, often insane, and a clear a present danger to its adherents and those around them, but still ironic – that the LGBTQIA+ rainbow flag is inherently a symbol of division and segregation. After all, White is color of light that is of all parts of the spectrum in unity and harmony and the rainbow is that light broken apart and kept separate. 😉

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Unite Or Divide

Unite Or Divide
Unite Or Divide

It’s truly quite simple, yet it seems so hard for some to understand. One can say and do what unites the country or one can say or do what divides it. It’s not a hard concept, but it seems to many that it’s not one certain sorts can or will understand.

But It’s Us Who Are Wrong-Headed In This

What we, the People of the US fail to understand is this is a matter of ethnicity. The Liberals, Progressives, Leftists, Democrats, and their political sharecroppers are doing is an attempt to unite their nation. Their singular hope to bring their nation into existence upon the ravaged corpse of America to unite their people in hatred of all that America stands for and all that Americans love.

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E Pluribus Unum

E Pluribus UnumPeople need to remember that it is E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one), not Ex Omnibus Unum (out of all, one). There will always be some that do not become part of the one, mostly because they refuse to do so.

That’s the truth that the Liberals, Progressives, and the minorities they pander to refuse to accept. One has to become part of the one.

No, instead the Liberals, Progressives, and the minorities they pander would declaim this fact as racist, nationalist, xenophobic, and evil. This is, I think, largely because they don’t want there to be a “one” and certainly won’t tolerate it happening or anyone who wishes it to do so.

That’s the horrific thing. These oikophobic Leftists and their minority tenants may love to rant and whine about “inclusiveness” and “diversity” but they’ve willfully created an unholy synergy between these two concepts that is nothing but an attempt to dilute and dissolve America. They don’t want to make one out of many.

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By His Words Know Him

Know Him By His WordsObama – By His Words Know Him

Lacking a history of actual action, Americans must know Obama by his words and by the people he surrounds himself with. Those two things will have to be enough for Americans and history to know the content of Obama’s character, his loyalties, and his intended legacy.

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So Much Diversity

As we all know, our domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives love “Diversity.” Indeed, they’ve obsessed about it for decades to the point of fetishism and bemoan the “fact” that they’ve not achieved enough of it despite going to extreme lengths to get it.

But truly, in some areas and contexts they have achieved greater diversity than has ever been seen before in America.

Political Polarization in US
Diversity Is Growing In The US

As can be seen from the trend analysis shown above, the diversity of political thought between Democrats and Republicans has greatly increased in recent years. In point of fact, in recent years the “diversity” in opinion and thought between Americans and Liberals has increased to heretofore unheard of levels.

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