Same Ol’ Same Ol’
So, recently two separate and far-distanced Blacks were put down by two equally separate and far-distanced in two utterly unrelated instances that had nothing in common with each other. And, of course, the Blacks have taken to the streets to “protest” – with, of course, all that normally goes along with their sort’s version of “peaceful assembly.” And, just to make matters triter and more over-played, the usual non-White, Democrat politicians have chosen to once again fan the flame of Black Violence and Rebellion and attack the very idea of law enforcement within America’s borders.
Honestly, “Same ol’ same ol’.” Some number of Black criminals were killed by police and the Blacks riot while their politicians decry America’s “racism” and call for the abolition of law enforcement in America. Frankly, Black rioting, looting, burning, raping, and murdering is essentially just “dog bites man;” it’s not news, not anymore; not after all this time with constantly doing it.
No, this is boring. This is the New Normal, the status quo, the purposeless unrest of our times. And, it will stay that way until We, the People decide to put an end to it once and for all.
Tags: #BlackLiesMatter | #BlackLivesMatter | #DefundThePolice | America | Democrats | Ghetto Thugs | Looting | Niggers | Police | Politics | Protests | Race Riots | Race War | Riots | Society | Vermin