How Progress Works

How Progress Works
How Progress Works

Societies are a lot like species. Progress aka Evolution more often than not results in something weaker and more easily domesticated deriving from a stronger, more independent past when evolution was allowed to progress without the controls and guidance of Intelligent Design. 😉

What has been happening in the West vs. what has not been happening in the East are the perfect example and control group for this.

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Slowly We Degenerate

As I’ve said before, most changes in any society are entropic, not progressive. This is because entropic forces acting in a society are a phenomenological forces stemming from the entire society’s statistical tendency to increase its entropy.

And, as odd as it may sound to many people, nothing exemplifies this degenerative process more clearly and overtly than eroticism, what is erotic, and to what lengths women must got to in order to be erotic.

Once, Black Lingerie Was Enough

At one time, admitted a time before even my time and I’m far from young, black lingerie was enough. A women simply choosing black lingerie over white, beige, or “nude” was more than sufficient for the needs of eroticism. Indeed, it was generally considered, in the absence of specific fashion needs at that moment, that black lingerie was clear signal that sex was definitely in the offing.

But no longer! It’s been sometime since the mere color of woman’s lingerie was a significant factor in her perceived eroticism. Society essentially desexualized that in the course of its process towards greater and greater chaos and entropy.

Because, of course, just because society deprecated the eroticism and signalling of Black lingerie doesn’t mean that society lost the need and desire for such eroticism and signals of sexual intent. It just meant that women had to go some other and greater extent to provide such.

An example of this other and greater extent to which women had to go was the thong, T-back, or “butt floss.” For a while, more than 20 years ago now, thongs were the epitome of eroticism and sexual signalling. Many women didn’t even care if a T-back was comfortable to wear because, as they blunted stated, they didn’t expect to be wearing them for very long.

Not Even The Thong. Now It’s Floss Daily

And yet, thongs too became desexualized and now many women wear “butt floss” as their daily or, at least, regular choice in underwear with no expectation of specific eroticism or thought that they would be engaging in sex in the immediate future.

And, to further the march towards degeneration and dissolution, we now have a growing movement to Free The Nipple. So we have a growing number of society who’re actively trying to bypass the desexualization of women’s lingerie and go straight to desexualizing naked breasts.

Already, we have a fairly large and growing number of women turning to each other to get the sexual attention they desire. And, let us not forget that there’s movement to make pole dancing a Olympic sport.

And yet, no matter what becomes passé, society will find something else, something more extreme or overt, to be the new for the moment hyper-sexualized thing because sex is key to society and that isn’t going to change unless our very biology changes. What was taboo will become titillating, and then trite, only to be replaced by the next step in the spiral.

What is worse is that I don’t shudder to think what will come next; I shudder to think how those that come after me will deride and mock me for shuddering at it.

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2015 In Review

Looking back at 2015
2015 In Review

On this, the last day of 2015 to look back on this year is not pleasant but it is easy to sum up – “Aaaaaargh!” sums up 2015 quite aptly. What, however, is much worse is the fact that 2016 doesn’t look like it will be any better. Indeed, if things continue along the fatal sequence of the current entropic curve, it may well be far worse.

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Black Suicide

Black Male Suicide - Freedom comes from the barrel of a gunAs anyone with the ability to see what’s happening knows, the “Black Community” is plodding and shuffling down the preordained path to destruction. The end for them is already decided and there’s nothing that they can do about it, nor is there anything the rest of us could or should do about it. They sealed their fate decades ago in such a way as to make any intervention both impossible and unwarranted.

The “Black Community” is doomed to extinction and, while it might take as much as century for them to expire, expire they will.

The question that remains is will the last male of the “Black Community” standing, kneeling, or laying there be honest and admit that it was suicide, not murder or calamity that ended their culture.

  • Will he admit that they turned upon and preyed their own, finding any and all reasons, even unto the shade of their skins, to segregate themselves?
  • Will he admit they spent their wealth foolishly, preferring the outward trappings of luxury to any efforts at building a lasting financial security?
  • Will he admit that they destroyed their minds and bodies, as well as their finances, with drugs and alcohol?
  • Will he admit that they ate themselves to death, preferring foods that did far more harm to them than good?
  • Will he admit that they turned their backs on educating themselves and their progeny?

With none of his people left to care or be cared about, this last male of the “Black Community” might make such admissions but I doubt it. Most likely, he will stay strong and cleave to his theology, which says unto him that it is “Whitey’s” fault that he and his have gone the way of the dodo.

White bitch screaming, That's Racist!At this point, if they made it this far, the Liberals and Progressives, most of whom happen to be well-heeled, privileged, and White, are gnashing their teeth and screaming at their computers about how racist this article is. So too will some members of the “Black Community” but they, at least, will have some reason to do so since harsh truths and negative prognoses often drive people into denial and lashing out.

But, to what I hope but do not expect to be their chagrin, this isn’t my idea or really my words. What I have done here is to merely paraphrase the words of “The Last Black Man Standing” by Dr. Kamau Kambon, a racist blacktivist who has called for the extermination of all White people. That, by the Liberals’, Progressives’, and their minority tenants’ own rules, makes these statement impossible to be racist.

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The Future is Now

Our parents and grandparents lived in more optimistic times than we do today. They saw the future as bright with possibilities and filled with the benefits of our rapidly advancing technology.

The Astounding World of the Future

The future is now. OK, actually it’s last week sometime because we’ve “come farther” than what is shown in this video. In any event, feel free to quietly weep because those bright-eyed visionaries of the early-to-mid 20th century were so very right in their predictions and so very wrong about how we would make them come true.

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