Starting Off 2023 Right

Starting Off 2023 Right
Starting Off 2023 Right

Rituals, both the burning of what I hated about 2022 and the pre-midnight bathing to remove the residue of the dead year, over and a good, if short by normal people’s standards, nights sleep – all to help with starting off 2023 right.

And yes, for all of us who love women, this is the best way to start a year off – with a woman and hot cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage, most likely in that order – a Black woman and equally strong and black coffee in my case.

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The Year(s) Of Corona-Chan

The Year(s) Of Corona-Chan
As It Was, So Shall It Be
The Year(s) Of Corona-Chan
As It Was, So Shall It Be

“Happy” New Year. 😐 Frankly, there seems little to celebrate and less to differentiate 2022. In these, the years of Corona-Chan and the media’s and the Democrats’ manipulation of the surrounding panicdemic, one year just runs into the next, and none seem any better than the last.

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Fortune Smiles

When Fortune Smiles Upon Her, She Smiles Upon Us All ... And Fortune and the booby fairy has certainly smiled upon her a LOT
When Fortune Smiles Upon Her, She Smiles Upon Us All
(Click to Enlarge)

And that’s the truth of it in this, the Year of the Metal Ox. As is so very, very obvious, fortune has smiled upon this particular Chinese babe and, in doing so, has smiled upon us all. Simply put, despite the mouthings of the grievance-mongers and their sheeple, when fortune smiles upon one, she smiles upon many of us. It’s not a matter of dividing the pie.

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Jumanji! Jumanji! Jumanji!


Jumanji! Jumanji! Jumanji!

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Bikini Interlude 38

As with most, though not all, there’s not much point or message to his post. It’s merely – if we can apply “merely” to such things – an interlude of beauty to share and enjoy. At most, it’s an attempt to wind up 2019 on a high note and to remind folks that you don’t have to leave the house to rock a bikini or enjoy the sight of a woman doing so.

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