If You're Cold

If You’re Cold, They’re Cold. Bring Them In

Remember, Gentlemen; if you’re cold, they’re cold. Bring them in and warm them up. 😉 And please do especially remember to show some compassion to those poor senoritas who aren’t used to our weather at all.

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If You're Cold…

If You’re Cold, They’re Cold. Let Them In!

Really, Gentlemen! It’s both simple ethics and common courtesy. If you’re cold, they’re cold. And, these beauties certainly look a bit chilled. Let them in and warm them up! Oh! And, Gentlemen, if by some happy twist of fate they’re not cold, that’s even more reason to let them in. 😉

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March Or Not, Still Cold

March Or Not, It’s Still Cold

It may be March but, March or not, it’s still cold out there. Well, at least where I am it is. For those in the South, e.g., Houston, TX, things may be a bit different and warmer. But fortunately, both sweaters and thigh-high socks are wonderful and warming things. Hence, the ongoing cold weather can and should be enjoyed, not just endured.

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Bikini Interlude 38

As with most, though not all, there’s not much point or message to his post. It’s merely – if we can apply “merely” to such things – an interlude of beauty to share and enjoy. At most, it’s an attempt to wind up 2019 on a high note and to remind folks that you don’t have to leave the house to rock a bikini or enjoy the sight of a woman doing so.

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Keep Your Feet Warm

Keep Your Feet Warm

Warming up or not, some over-the-knee socks are still a fine idea. After all, warm feet mean that they can skimp on some other clothing and still be comfortable. And, of course, doing so will warm up any and all around them as well, which is even better.

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