Dems’ Diseased Ravings

Dems' Diseased Ravings
Dems’ Diseased Ravings

COVID-19 may still be the pandemic in the front of most people’s minds, but it’s TURDS aka TDS that has been endemic across large swaths of those living inside America’s borders. And it’s been raging, largely unchecked, since November 8, 2016.

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Libs’ Pieholes & Shitholes

Firstly, I have my doubts that President Trump called any country, be it Haiti or some African locale a “shithole” since there’s no credible source claiming that he did so. Still, even if the POTUS in a closed-door meeting did describe one or more Third World countries as shitholes, the Liberals and Progressives, the Democrat politicians they support, and the Lamestream Media that they fondle and drool over need to drop the hypocrisy and shut their pie holes about it.

The entirety of their “compassionate” position upon immigration – be it legal, refugee, or illegal – is wholly and solely predicated upon the migrants’ birth nations being shitholes! Elsewise, there’d be less utility in their declaiming that any American who wants to in any way secure our borders and/or place some form of restriction upon the influx of immigrants as cruel, inhumane, heartless, selfish, and – of courseracist.

But Hey! What’s rank hypocrisy to our domestic enemies? President Trump allegedly said something, therefor it’s wrong, evil, and horrifically so. That, if he actually said it, he only put into succinct words what they’ve been tacitly claiming for decades means nothing tho their sort.

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1st Snowflakes Of 2018

1st Snowflakes Of 2018
1st Snowflakes Of 2018

Yeah, you just know that numbers of deranged and still unmedicated Liberals and Progressives are ringing in the new year, not with joyous cries but with sobs and bitter mutterings. Happily, among and foremost of them will be Kathy Griffin since even CNN fired her from their New Year’s programming this year.

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The Highlights Of 2017

The Highlights Of 2017

2017 was a very interesting year, a true watershed in the history of the world, the West, and America. What makes it even odder to me that the one thing that sums up the highlights of 2017 actually took place in 2016, specifically on November 8th.

Yes! This video, though from 2016, sums up the foundation of what was 2017. It was, with the amazing and largely unexpected election of Donald Trump to the US Presidency, a year of America rebirth. Of course, like all births, it was accompanied by blood, sweat, and tears. In this case, the blood, sweat and bitter tears of Liberal and Progressives of all flavors as the weeped and gnashed their teeth over a birth that they unsurprisingly so wanted to abort. 😉

Yes, 2017 was the best of years…for we, the People; it was the worst of years for those others living within the borders of our once and future great nation.

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Do You Have TDS?

Candace Owens Asks Do You Have TDS?

And here we have the lovely and erudite Candace Owens speaking to- about the Trump Derangement Syndrome epidemic that is still wreaking havoc upon our nation.

The only question it really raises for me is whether TDS is the second stage of TURD (Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder) or if the disease has merely been renamed as is so common.

A very grateful H/T to Felipe Zapata. I wouldn’t know about Ms. Owens and her work without him.

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