1st Snowflakes Of 2018
1st Snowflakes Of 2018
Yeah, you just know that numbers of deranged and still unmedicated Liberals and Progressives are ringing in the new year, not with joyous cries but with sobs and bitter mutterings. Happily, among and foremost of them will be Kathy Griffin since even CNN fired her from their New Year’s programming this year.
Tags: America | Anger | Griffin | Hate | Humor | Insanity | Liberals | Millennials | Politics | Progressives | Sarcasm | Snowflakes | TDS | Trump | TURDS | Winter
January 1st, 2018 at 8:46 am
I implore you to join my endless campaign to cease referring to leftists as “liberals” and “progressives” primarily because they are decidedly not.
To quote Dennis Prager:
“The usurpation of the word ‘Liberal’ by the left has been a catastrophe.”
January 1st, 2018 at 1:37 pm
I agree! They are anything but liberal. Hard to describe them in one word, but if I wanted to be nice I might say misguided, delusional or seriously closed minded. Otherwise, I would just say evil.