The Rage Of Children
Yes, it’s not really the high schoolers who are the children right now. It’s the infantile Democrats in Congress, e.g., Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, and their screaming, ranting ilk who are behaving like unruly, undisciplined, and ill-behaved children who’ve been told that they can’t have the toy that they want. The high schoolers, inane, unthinking of the future, and easily manipulated as they are, are at least trying to take control of their fate and, to some extent, act to protect themselves from a perceived threat.
Of Course It’s Not Just Mindless Rage
Of course they’re quite apparent rage isn’t completely mindless. It’s more than little manufactured since they have to pander to what was once the Far Left of their Liberal and Progressive base. Hence, with the complicity of- and aid and comfort from their Lamestream Media, they will bitterly cling to any every firearm-related / firearm-involved tragedy that isn’t Black-on-Black crime…or the attempted mass assassination of Republicans.
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Tags: 2018 Elections | 2nd Amendment | America | Anger | Children | Constitution | Crime | Democrats | Gun Control | Gun Grabbers | Gun Rights | Law | Pelosi | Politics | Rage | Sanders | School Shootings | Schumer
This entry was posted on Sunday, March 25th, 2018 at 11:40 am and is filed under 2018 Elections, Politics.
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