The Truth, It Burns

The Truth, It Burns
That's Why Most Can't Handle The Truth
The Truth, It Burns

And this is why so many, especially the Left, and most especially both Millennials and certain minority sorts, can’t handle the truth. It burns; it hurts; it eats away at the self-serving fantasies that so many seem to need to get through their day.

Now, do not get me wrong. The objective truth burns equally and is completely nonpartisan in doing so. Left, Right, Center, Somewhere Out There – we all have our firmly held fantasies and comforting lies, and the truth can and will burn them and us all. It’s just that our domestic enemies have more fantasies than most, have based too much of their identities upon them, and suffer more often and to a greater degree when they are presented with the truth.

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Combating Tribulations

Combating Tribulations With Tribbles

With all the crap going on, both holdover crap from 2020 and the new crap of 2021, e.g., the Dems’ coup against America’s President, Donald Trump, and the installation of their usurper, Creepy Uncle Joe Biden into the White House, Americans are definitely beset by tribulations. Indeed, for the Christian majority, it probably feels like it’s the actual Tribulation.

Believe me! I feel for you. We’re in essentially the same sinking boat – a boat deliberately scuttled by our nation’s and People’s domestic enemies, the Democrats. But … here’s a little bit of lift for our spirits. Nichelle Nicols covered in tribbles has got to be a good way to combat tribulations! 😆

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If 2020 Was A Sex Toy

If 2020 Was A Sex Toy
If 2020 Was A Sex Toy

2020 – A Dickensian Summation

2020, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.

Ah well; at least we still have beauty and beer.

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They Deserve It

I admit that I’m suffering from a bit of Schadenfreude Listen or, for my fellow linguists out there: epicaricacy or delectatio morosa. I just can’t help sniggering at the Leftists who voted for Obama in 2012, knowing that his platform was based upon reaving even more wealth from the productive, being horrified and chagrined when they see their now reduced paychecks or read the new tax codes.

<Obama Slut Learns Obamanomics vs. Capitalism
Got Capitalism? Not Quite So Much Anymore, Filth

The Liberals’ and Progressives’ pain is self-induced and it brings me great joy. They deserve it and a great deal more misery for their beliefs, choices, and actions. The only two thing that I wish and that would give me greater joy is if I could increase their pain while exempting Americans from it.

Sadly, while the Liberals and Progressives deserve the pain that they’re not suffering, American don’t but are subject to it as well.

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That We Have To Ask…

Variations of this question keep coming up in both conversation and in posts, articles, and comments across the internet:

Why is government failure always a justification for more government?

That we have allowed ourselves to be placed in a situation where we are forced to ask this question shows that America has already progressed so far from its true path that there is no solution for America that will not bring pain, misery, and death to many people.

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