Hillary’s Stolen Destiny
One sadly common refrain among America’s domestic enemies is that Hillary Clinton’s destiny was stolen from her, first by Barack Obama and then by Donald Trump. Disturbingly, the Left believed that Hillary was destined to be POTUS. Hence, her repeated defeats were the theft of that ordained outcome.
Hillary’s Stolen Destiny?
But what actual destiny of Hillary’s was stolen from her? Perhaps the destiny that was “stolen” from her was her ordained appointment with Death at the hands of an assassin. Perhaps her destiny was to be the fifth US President to be assassinated while in office.
One does have to wonder if that wasn’t the destiny many of them hoped for Hillary. Given her baggage and nefarious history she would have served them better as a martyr than as a POTUS
After all, we Americans who voted against Hillary are a seething, frothing, violent,unwashed, uneducated horde of deplorable, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, sexist, misogynist, hoplophilic, patriarchal, Nazis – or so those who supported Hillary identify us as being. If that is the case, what other destiny than death could Hillary have had if elected?
And then there’s the #BernieBros and #BernieGirls, who would have had their own very definite and specific reasons to enact lethal reprisals upon Hillary if she had won the 2016 elections…
It could be that Mr. Trump did Hillary a favor by “stealing” her destiny. 😉 Probably not though. Obama survived eight years as POTUS and, despite the much-hyped hysteria that some racist would assassinate him, not a single credible threat ever got anywhere near him despite the ongoing poor service record by the Secret Service.
Tags: America | Assassination | Clinton | Delusion | Destiny | Feminazis | Feminism | Feminists | Hate | Hillary | Insanity | Liberals | Men | Misandry | Obama | Politics | Progressives | Trump