The Highlights Of 2017

The Highlights Of 2017

2017 was a very interesting year, a true watershed in the history of the world, the West, and America. What makes it even odder to me that the one thing that sums up the highlights of 2017 actually took place in 2016, specifically on November 8th.

Yes! This video, though from 2016, sums up the foundation of what was 2017. It was, with the amazing and largely unexpected election of Donald Trump to the US Presidency, a year of America rebirth. Of course, like all births, it was accompanied by blood, sweat, and tears. In this case, the blood, sweat and bitter tears of Liberal and Progressives of all flavors as the weeped and gnashed their teeth over a birth that they unsurprisingly so wanted to abort. 😉

Yes, 2017 was the best of years…for we, the People; it was the worst of years for those others living within the borders of our once and future great nation.

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The End Of Hope

The End Of Hope And The Bright Spring Of AmericaFollowing the American people’s election of Donald Trump to the Presidency, Michelle Obama did an hour-long interview with Oprah Winfrey in order to tell the audience how they were now all without hope – that now, after eight year of her husband being in the White House, his constituency was now, with Trump’s victory, without any hope remaining to them and how everything would just become worse for them from this moment forward.

To say the least, it was an unusual “exit interview” for a FLOTUS. Then, Michelle Obama – unaffectionately nicknamed “The Mooch” by many Americans – was never a usual or traditional First Lady.

We feel the difference now. See, now, we are feeling what not having hope feels like. Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept and Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was just a nice slogan to get votes.

He and I and so many believe that — what else do you have if you don’t have hope. What do you give your kids if you can’t give them hope?

— Michelle Obama

Despite many of the the people that Michelle represents truly needing our help, she does have something akin to a point irrespective of her hyperbole. The various demographic elements which were fond of the Obama Regime or, at least the tokenism it represented, are quite discouraged at this point in time. They have seen the country they were trying to create be aborted.

I do, however, have this to say. If Michelle Obama’s and those she represents’ dreams, aspirations, and hopes are so different from- and antithetical to those of mainstream, middle America, they shouldn’t still be in our country and certainly not walking free in it without restraint and/or some form of oversight as they represent a clear and present danger to themselves and others.

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Indicting Hillary?

Periodically the news ripples slightly with news of federal agencies investigating Hillary Clinton and her staff about her use of an unsecured, private email server to conduct classified State Department business. Each time there’s a ripple various and sundry people rub their hands together and salivate, believing she’ll be indicted and possibly even convicted of one or more high crimes against America.

Even If Hilllary Was Indicted
Even If Hillary Was Indicted…

Ah hope – it springs eternal in the breasts of men and is itself the wellspring of despair and disillusionment.

In this case and in this time Hillary Clinton is untouchable. She’s got a get out jail free card. She’s not only a Democrat, she’s the in-all-but-name Democrat Nominee for the 2016 Presidential Election. As every member of every agency that is supposedly investigating her is employed at the pleasure of Obama, Hillary will not be indicted until and unless a Republican is in the Oval Office.

Really! Can anyone in America truly believe that Obama would allow such a thing to happen to Hillary? No matter whatever the boy’s personal feeling about the Clintons might be, he’d never scuttle the Dems’ best and only hope to keep the White House. Hillary could literally hold the young women down while Bill raped them and Obama would do his level best to not let it affect her campaign.

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Obama’s Instability

For reasons that are utterly beyond my ken many people in America keep tuning into Obama and waiting for him to do something, anything, that will at least ease the economic nightmare that most Americans have been experiencing, are experiencing, and look to continue experiencing for the foreseeable future.

Obama Instability
Please Standby – We’re Experiencing Mental Instability

Sadly for those who tune into Obama, filled with some measure of hope for a positive change in their circumstances, all they’re likely to get is a holding pattern displaying that the system is having a problem. 😉

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