Things Have Changed

Things have certainly changed since we, the People elected Donald Trump as the President of our nation. ISIS is no longer yelling, “Death to America;” they’re barely even around anymore at all. And the same can be said for most iterations of Muslim Terrorism. Indeed, when it comes to foreign enemies and global terrorism, the world has become less violent since President Trump took up the reins of power.
Sadly, on the domestic front, the domestic enemies of the People and the Nation have risen up in violent insurrection, fully endorsed and supported by the Democrats that they elected. “Death to America,” is still be shouted in various forms. It’s just being shouted by Liberals, Progressives, and their Blacks. And, some predict that it will dramaticaly increase and escalate if the American people reelect President Trump.
So yes, things have certainly changed under the management of the Trump Administration. The question that change poses for the American people is what solution are we wlling to enact to the question posed to us by the sorts that support the Democrats.
Tags: America | Blacks | Civil War | Democrats | Hate | Insanity | ISIS | Leftists | Liberals | Madness | Progressives | Race War | Terrorism | Trump | TURDS