And Just Like That …

Thanks to Netflix’s decision to stream Maïmouna Doucouré’s “touching,” “explorative,” and “feminist” work, “Cuties,” protecting children from pedophiles and general sexual exploitation has become a Right-Wing thing according to many Democrats and likely Democrats.
Of course, given much their rhetoric, this essentially indicates that protecting children from pedophiles and general sexual exploitation isn’t a Left-Wing thing anymore. But then, that’s not that much of a surprise, given their views on sexual orientation and the fact that Americans very much hate pedophiles.
Or maybe it’s Right-Wing Only now because of President Trump, or rather. the Left’s insane hatred for him and those who voted him into office.

Yeah, it’s a simple, sad fact that, while it’s possible that the Left is still against the sexual exploitation of children, it’s not their priority and, given the choice between protecting kids and railing against President Trump, his administration, and the 10s of millions of his supporters, the kids lose.
The truly sickening part is that many, but by no means all, on the Left will likely turn to supporting pedophilia just because we’re against it and they don’t want to agree with us on anything.
On “Cuties” Itself
I can’t personally judge the film since I haven’t seen it and have no intention of doing so. Frankly, a movie about an 11-year-old French-Senegalese girl rather poorly navigating the onset of puberty as part of a strict Muslim household on the outskirts of Paris has little to nothing for me to identify with or have interest in. And, beyond that, some of it would sicken me.
What I can directly speak to is Netflix’s poster/trailer for “Cuties” – which I’m neither posting nor linking to – being the primary source for triggering the widespread backlash against the film. It really made the film look like “spank bank” material for pedophiles.
Not one of Netflix’s finer marketing moments and something that makes it so that they deserve whatever negative consequences that get since stupid should be painful since pain is the only way to teach the stupid.
DISCLOSURE: Years ago I worked with a Children’s Advocacy/Protection organization that partnered with the FBI and Interpol. I actually put my “InfoSec” skills to use directly hunting down pedophiles online, gathering evidence, and turning them over to the authorities for prosecution.
That was a couple of very hard years which, after a lot of what I saw, seriously colored my view of anything even close to child pornography.
Tags: America | Child Pornography | Children | Cuties | Human Trafficking | Leftists | Maïmouna Doucouré | Netflix | Pedophiles | Pedophilia