Some Slight Defense

As all Americans know, the Lamestream Media is strongly biased against us and any politician we might strive to elect to office. They’ve been the enemy of the American people for decades.

Their narrative is simple: Americans are vile, vicious, and cruel; Liberals and Progressives are kind, inclusive, and caring; and the minorities are the everlasting victims of the American people.

Media Narrative Explained
Explaining The Media Narrative

How they’ve chosen to portray Joe Biden and Paul Ryan respectively is a perfect example of this. That perfect example, however, also provides them some slight defense for their bias and their perfidy because they are not free agents in this matter. The Obama Regime does not believe in or tolerate a free press.

And, as Obama tries to shuck and jive his way into being given another chance, the White House’s demands to control all of the message grow ever more strident and tyrannical. More and more they throw the provisions and restriction of our Constitution into the gutter in order, in the words of Valerie Jarrett, to “really take power and begin to rule.”

It has been months since Obama took any questions from the White House Press Corps. In fact, that situation has degenerated to the point when even MSNBC, who might as well be officially part of his campaign staff, is questioning it. That is an odd thing since the Obama Regime has developed the habit of requiring the White House Press Corps to submit drafts of their stories for review, editing, and approval to Obama’s campaign staff before they are run or disseminated.

Obama’s campaign takes even more despotic measures to protect itself from harm when it comes to anything that Joe Biden might jabber in front of the press. They are actively editing the drafts of pool reports before allowing them to be shared with the media at large.

Of course, my sympathies are somewhat limited since there’s nothing that the Obama Regime is doing that is forcing the Lamestream Media to go far against the proclivities. Still, as much as it pains me to say it, the Obama Regime’s attempted destruction of a free press does provide the media with some slight defense for their actions as they relate to Campaigner-in-Chief, his coterie, and the current situation.


Remember always that, if the First Amendment were to be destroyed by some despot, it would be necessary for a People desirous of Liberty to apply the Second Amendment without restraint or mercy to the tyrants and all their kin unto the least babe.

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Protecting The Message

Yesterday, July 24, 2012, Gaffe-Master B aka Vice President Joe Biden took questions from reporters during a White House press call. As has become the new normal under the Obama Regime, the on-the-record conversation was forbidden from being reported upon until the press call was fully and formally concluded.

Specifically, the journalists / reporters on the call were forbidden by the White House from using Twitter to post the press call and Biden’s remarks therein live.

This makes perfect sense. Protecting the message is a large part of controlling the message, which is the foundation of Obama’s attempts to get a second chance at being the POTUS. And, if the Constitution and its requirement for a Free Press get in the way of that, such things must be trod under the jackboots of expediency and pragmatism.

Remember that vermin like Obama believe the Constitution is a “living document.” They believe so because all that lives can be killed, maimed and mutilated, and/or enslaved.

Can you, however, imagine the violent outrage that would spew from America’s domestic enemies, the Liberals and Progressives, if a Republican administration placed any limits on reporters?


Americans were given a Republic…If we could keep it. Now is time to remember exactly how our nation was born and swear holy oaths to do whatever is necessary to keep it free. In 2012 it’s the ballot or the bullet.

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Only The Tyrant’s Voice

That Obama considers himself above scrutiny or accountability goes largely without saying. Each and every action that he has taken in his political career has been shrouded in secrecy – to the point that all details of his life, from birth to graduation, have been expunged from the public record, leaving only his voice to provide the narrative for it. His tenure in politics has followed the same shrouded and duplicitous path.

This is a useful and cunning course of action for the would-be demagogue or tyrant.

It is also part and parcel of the iconic image of the Magic Negro, a meme that was largely responsible for Obama’s election to the Presidency and, therefore, not to be considered unexpected behavior by Obama.

This has, however, become a severe problem since he was installed in office because Obama has extended this behavior to his actions as POTUS by denying the press normal access while forming his own State Media Machine so that it is, once again his voice alone is providing the narrative.

Even ABC, who went far out of their way and farther beyond the pale of journalistic ethics to ensure America had it’s First Black President, have begun to cry foul:

The White House Press Office now not only produces a website, blog, YouTube channel, Flickr photo stream, and Facebook and Twitter profiles, but also a mix of daily video programming, including live coverage of the president’s appearances and news-like shows that highlight his accomplishments.


Over the past few months, as White House cameras have been granted free reign behind the scenes, officials have blocked broadcast news outlets from events traditionally open to coverage and limited opportunities to publicly question the president himself.

Obama’s recent signing of the historic New START treaty with Russia and his post-State of the Union cabinet meeting, for example, were both closed to reporters in a break with tradition. And during a recent question and answer session with the president and visiting Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the White House imposed an unusual limit of just one question each from the U.S. and Canadian press corps.

“The administration has narrowed access by the mainstream media to an unprecedented extent,” said ABC News White House correspondent Ann Compton, who has covered seven administrations. “Access here has shriveled.”

Members of the press have always had quibbles with White House media strategies, calling cut-backs in access an affront to transparency, even as administration officials insist they’re simply taking advantage of new technologies.

But some say the current dynamic is different, and dangerous.

“They’re opening the door to kicking the press out of historic events, and opening the door to having a very filtered format for which they give the American public information that doesn’t have any criticism allowed,” said University of Minnesota journalism professor and political communication analyst Heather LaMarre.

In point of fact, I have little sympathy for ABC or any of the “lamestream” media. They’ve been largely silent about the Obama’s Regime’s incessant attacks upon Fox News. I sort of feel that if you stay silent when they come for Fox you shouldn’t feel entitled to have anyone speak up when they come for you. Also, they had every reason to see this coming.

But the fact that I have little or no sympathy for ABC’s plight doesn’t mean that they’re not right or that this isn’t something that endangers more than just the media’s feelings and ratings.

This strikes like a shiv at the beating heart of American liberty and must not be tolerated by we, the People.

A reasonably free press is a needed to ensure that the government, rarely the true friend of the people, doesn’t go too far astray. Without the press having access to our elected politicians the descent into tyranny and despotism is assured.

Of course Obama, who tells us that he studied Constitutional Law, should know this. He just willfully chooses to violate this fundamental American precept in order to shield himself from criticism.

Does this mean that Obama is a tyrant? Not necessarily, though it is precursor behavior for one. But precursor behaviors do not always lead to full-blown end-states in behavior patterns.

But it doesn’t matter whether Obama is a would-be despot or merely a narcissistic man who believes himself to above scrutiny, criticism, and/or reproach; this method of “controlling the message” must be eradicated by firm and uncertain means.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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The Irony Of Williams

Juan WilliamsThe Emmy Award winning Liberal pundit and political commentator Juan Williams has recently run afoul of the ideologically based de facto censorship practiced by the Left-Wing radio outlet, National Public Radio (NPR).

The Soros-backed, quasi-Socialist NPR ousted Williams, not over anything he said on one of their productions, but over his honest commentary while being interviewed by Fox’s Bill O’Reilly.

NPR announced Wednesday night, October 20, 2010 that they were firing Williams for his comments, adding they were “were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR.”

Political correctness can lead to some kind of paralysis where you don’t address reality. I mean, look Bill, I’m not a bigot, you know the kind of books I’ve written on the civil rights movement in this country, but when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.

Now, I remember also that when the Times Square bomber was at court, I think this was just last week. He said the war with Muslims, America’s war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don’t think there’s any way to get away from these facts. But I think there are people who want to somehow remind us all as President Bush did after 9/11, it’s not a war against Islam.

NPR’s CEO Vivian Schiller added that NPR reporters and analysts should not be expressing controversial viewpoints, and that Williams’ views on Muslims should be “between him and his psychiatrist or his publicist.”

Schiller is obviously a typical piece of Liberal filth. She believes that caution when dealing with people who visibly identify as or with inimical groups or ideologies must stem from psychosis or greed.

She was in a bad spot though; Williams is a Panamanian-born “Blatino” and, therefor Schiller couldn’t call him a racist as she would would have likely done were he a White, and she couldn’t very well call him ignorant given his decades of experience, background, and previous usefulness to NPR. Hence, she had to fall back on mental illness or venality.

There’s, however, more than a little irony in this situation and in Juan Williams’ comments. Williams very much identifies as Black and has a long history of chronicling the American Civil Rights movement, having written seven books on the subject between 1988 and 2007 and has been referenced and/or cited in many others. He’s probably had some amount of direct experience and great deal of vicarious experience with people’s fear and/or concern when seeing Blacks who identify “first and foremost” as something other than American.

When We See Them We Get worried. We Get Nervous

I have to wonder if Williams sees the similarities between Whites’ honest concerns over Blacks who dress and comport themselves in an exilic and/or negative manner and his own honest concern over Muslims who do the same. I wonder if he acknowledges the resulting irony of his statement. I’d like to think that he does.

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El Silencio, Americano

ghetto-thug-01The League of United Latin American Citizens, along with some 30 other groups of anti-American filth have petitioned the FCC to “monitor” “hate speech” and “misinformation” in the media.  They would silence Americans because they lack the capacity and/or desire learn our ways, our laws, or our Constitutional right to Free Speech.

They are especially rabid for the FCC to crack down on the internet.

Moreover, on the Internet, speakers can hide in the cloak of anonymity, emboldened to say things that they may not say in the public eye.

Jessica J. González, Esq.
National Hispanic Media Coalition

I’m sure that President Obama and his chief of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Cass Sunstein heartily approve of their efforts since they both desire to quell and silence the speech of Americans.

This pernicious attempt by some minorities – mostly Hispanics – and their sympathizers to steal the basic rights of Americans through corruption of the law is, however, not surprising; it’s a growing trend among certain sorts of America’s and Civilized World’s enemies.

Read the rest of this entry »

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