Libs’ Pieholes & Shitholes

Firstly, I have my doubts that President Trump called any country, be it Haiti or some African locale a “shithole” since there’s no credible source claiming that he did so. Still, even if the POTUS in a closed-door meeting did describe one or more Third World countries as shitholes, the Liberals and Progressives, the Democrat politicians they support, and the Lamestream Media that they fondle and drool over need to drop the hypocrisy and shut their pie holes about it.

The entirety of their “compassionate” position upon immigration – be it legal, refugee, or illegal – is wholly and solely predicated upon the migrants’ birth nations being shitholes! Elsewise, there’d be less utility in their declaiming that any American who wants to in any way secure our borders and/or place some form of restriction upon the influx of immigrants as cruel, inhumane, heartless, selfish, and – of courseracist.

But Hey! What’s rank hypocrisy to our domestic enemies? President Trump allegedly said something, therefor it’s wrong, evil, and horrifically so. That, if he actually said it, he only put into succinct words what they’ve been tacitly claiming for decades means nothing tho their sort.

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The Elephant In The Room

Elephant In The RoomThe “Trump Administration” announced Thursday, November 16, 2017 that it has lifted an Obama-era ban on importing sport-hunted trophies of elephants from Zimbabwe and Zambia. As to be expected, the Liberals and Progressives, along with each and every opportunistic Democrat looking towards the 2018 elections went into acute paroxysms of their madness, ranting that President Trump did this because his sons like to “sport hunt.”

But the elephant in the room (pun intended) is the big pile of facts that contradict the Leftists’ narrative – not that their sort would ever allow facts to trump (again, pun intended) narrative and subjective experience.

President Trump was not involved with- or likely cognizant of the US Fish & Wildlife Service’s International Affairs department’s decision to end the Obama Era ban on the importation of elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia, just as Obama was not involved with their 2015 decision to enact that ban in the first place. The ban put in place in 2015 was was done by the USFWS because they determined that Zimbabwe could not adequately by both US and CITES standards prove it could implement laws to protect elephants. In 2018 the USFWS determined that these two countries had now reached compliance. In both cases these decisions were made by career employees of the USFWS without any direction from the White House.

The ban and it’s lifting were also both specifically targeted at Zimbabwe and Zambia. Importing elephant trophies from legal sport hunts in South Africa and Namibia were and are still allowed. Conversely, such imports from Tanzania were also banned in 2014 and remain so to this day. At no time relevant to this situation has the US government ever had a total moratorium on sport-hunted elephant trophies, nor does it now have a totally open policy towards it.

Also note that this isn’t a wholesale slaughter of the elephants. Zimbabwe has an estimated 82,300 elephants and Zambia has 21,700. As, under CITES export quotas Zimbabwe can only allow 500 trophy hunt exports per year and Zambia only 80, we’re speaking of 0.6% and 0.3% of their respective herds per annum. How many the US government allows imported – 2 animals per hunter per year – is separate from- and irrelevant to these figures.

Yep. That’s one, big elephant in the room. One that’s going to be hard to ignore, though the anti-Trump crowd will manage to do so.

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Muslims Burn Court

The only thing worse than Islam in general is the intersection of the Black savages of Sub-Saharan Africa and Islam. The particular breed of Muslim endemic to that horrific region brings even Islam to a new nadir of feralness and subhuman violence.

A few days ago in Nigeria these vermin burned down a court over its failure to indict a man who they felt had insulted their Pedophile Prophet, Muhammad. What makes it almost funny is that it was a Shari’a Court.

KANO, Nigeria (AP) — Hundreds of rioting Muslims set a Shariah court ablaze Friday in Nigeria’s northern Kano city, protesting its decision to free a cleric accused of insulting the prophet Mohammed.

An AP reporter watched protesters throw blazing, fuel-filled tires into the building then start marching through streets to demand punishment for Malam Abdul Nyass.

Police monitored the crowd, which turned peaceful after the fire.

 Nyass is accused of saying that the long-dead leader of the Tijanniyah sect is more powerful than the revered prophet Muhammad. Kano’s mainly Muslim population adheres in almost equal numbers to the Sunni and Tijanniyah sects of Islam.

Police arrested Nyass when Muslims threatened to kill him after the alleged insult. He appeared before the Shariah court but was apparently secretly freed and is in hiding.

This little Islamic “street party” came slightly after these offended Muslims burned down Nyass’ house.


Reforming Islam
(Click to Enlarge)

Is there really any doubt that humanity should focus and spend more energy upon reforming Islam or, failing the will to encourage the vermin to become good Muslims, at least sever as much of relations and communication with their areas as is possible?

As for the natives of Sub-Saharan Africa, my biggest quandary is, given their normal behavior, how the Hell did people ever domesticate them in the first place? Really! The way they act, I just can’t see how the slave trade ever worked in the first place. 😯

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In Morbum Mendax

Did Obama desire a containable domestic outbreak of ebolaEbola is bad – very, very bad. It is not, however the worst disease plaguing America right now. That seems to the the Lying Disease (Morbum Mendax) and, despite having identified Patient Zero, Morbum Mendax seems to be running rampant in some demographics.

The Obama Regime’s director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Dr. Tom Frieden is definitely showing symptoms of the late stages of this contagion. His rant on what is and is not America’s proper response to ebola certainly fits the pathology.

A travel ban is not the right answer. It’s simply not feasible to build a wall – virtual or real – around a community, city, or country. A travel ban would essentially quarantine the more than 22 million people that make up the combined populations of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea.

When a wildfire breaks out we don’t fence it off. We go in to extinguish it before one of the random sparks sets off another outbreak somewhere else.

— CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, M.D.

A complete and utter travel ban is probably not the right answer in the long run but many nations and major airlines had already quarantined the ebola-stricken nations of West Africa until the Unitied Nations, for reasons largely unrelated to- but but blamed up the outbreak, bullied them into promising to lift the quarantine. There is no valid reason why America could institute similar quarantine measures.

You see, despite the lies drooling out of Frieden’s maw, when a wildfire breaks out we do fence it off.  The first order of containing a wildfire is to cordon it off using firebreaks and, where needed, back burns.

It’s both tone deaf and ironic that Frieden chose to use “wildfire” as analogy since in American pop-culture “wildfire” is a phrase used to denote a containment breach involving a deadly disease.

Nor would comprehensive travel restrictions into and from the ebola zone impact any form or strategized and properly managed disease control and relief efforts since a well-regulated and protected could still be put forth that did not include normal, commercial air traffic.

Then, this is the greatest threat posed by Morbum Mendax. It weakens the nation’s immune system and make us all more vulnerable to other infections such as ebola.

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A Taste Of Africa

File this particular bit of unfortunate irony under the category of World’s Worst Failure in Timing…

DW's A Taste Of Africa
A Taste Of Africa Comes To Dallas!

Dallas Weekly, a 55 year-old, Black-owned and Black-centric newspaper ran this as their cover right as the first case of ebola in America struck a Black man in Dallas, TX. A taste of Africa comes to Dallas indeed. Ouch!

Please note, however, that this issue of DW was designed and scheduled before news broke of the Dallas Ebola victim, who arrived in Dallas from Liberia on the September 20th, went to the hospital on the same day this issue hit the news stands, and was not diagnosed until five days later.

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