Archive for February, 2024

Extra Day Of Black History

Posted in Society on February 29th, 2024

An Extra Day Of Black History

As it’s a Leap Year, here’s an extra day of Black History for you. After all, as most of us know, if Blacks aren’t over-represented in something other than crime and incarceration, they’re “under-represented.” 😉

But, all sarcasm aside, Black women in America have a history of beauty and desirability that stretches all the way to the very beginnings of the American colonies. It wasn’t until the mid-1600s – two generations after the founding of Jamestown – that this was decided to be a “problem.” Before then, sex and intermarriage between Whites and Blacks was accepted if not societally approved of. Indeed, before then, the child of a White man and a Black slave was even born free; centuries-old English law conferring the condition (status) of the father upon his children.

Trump And Navalny

Posted in Politics on February 27th, 2024
Trump & Navalny
Trump And Navalny

Trump and Navalny – two men with more in common than should be allowed. And yes, Trump’s current situation is as similar to Navalny’s as is possible with the differences in timing and legal systems between Russia and America. The best evidence for that being how all the Lamestream Media outlets immediately derided the comparison with extreme prejudice and vitriol. That level of protestation strongly implies denial and projection.

True, President Trump is alive, not dead, and he wasn’t sentenced to life in a gulag in the hopes that he’d simply die there. Democrats wish he had been, but our legal system doesn’t allow for that. Nor do we have a charge that exactly matches the Russian legal system’s extremism. But also true is that the Democrats have marshal led and weaponized the US’s legal and law enforcement systems against President Trump nonstop and without adhering to any normative limits since he became a real contender for the Republican nomination in the 2016 election. And, in both cases, it was because of “extremism,” i.e., being considered a threat to the existing regime.

So yes, Trump is our Navalny. The only differences between the two men are solely based upon the differences between what Putin and the Democrats can get away with under their respective laws.

Disney's Remaking Star Wars

Posted in Humor, Movies, Society on February 26th, 2024
Disney's Remaking Star Wars
Disney’s Remaking Star Wars

It’s seems that Disney’s remaking the Original Star Wars trilogy (episodes 4-6). From the look of early, internal promo shots, they’re staying true to form. 😛

It's About Protest Season

Posted in Announcements on February 26th, 2024
It's About Protest Season - Better Get The Chains On
It’s About Protest Season – Better Get The Chains On

Remember, Gentlemen, the weather is warming up; so, it’s just about protest season. Better get chains like these on your tires in order to deal with our domestic enemies when they get in your way by illegally blocking our roadways with their “civil disruptions” and “direct actions.”

And, I fairly sure that American car washes will either comp you or give you a big discount on getting your ride clean of their blood and viscera. 😉


If you can’t tell – and I’m fairly sure there are a bunch of Dems and likely Dems that can’t – the above was sarcasm. I would never, ever suggest, advocate, or imply that Americans should mount this sort of anti-protest tire chains and run any of the vermin violently and illegally clogging our roadway in support of any of the anti-American groups or individuals out there, e.g., Hamas, #BlackLivesMatter, and/or various Trannies and Queers. It would tear up the roads and that’s both wrong and counterproductive!

A Presidential Lunch

Posted in Humor, Politics on February 25th, 2024
Forgettios - A Presidential Lunch
Forgettios – A Presidential Lunch

Ah yes! Cambpell’s new, hopefully limited edition, Forgettios. The perfect to either spoon feed Biden are eat in hope of forgetting this senile freak. 😆