Archive for May, 2018

Disneyfying Bigotry & Bias

Posted in Politics, Society on May 31st, 2018

Disneyfying Bigotry & BiasDisneyfying Bigotry & Bias

Disney’s cancelling of Roseanne Barr’s wildly popular second iteration of Roseanne is a perfect example of the “Disneyfication” of the rampant anti-Conservative, anti-White bigotry and bias in the media and among Liberals and Progressives.

That does not mean that Ms. Barrs tweet wasn’t what would generally be considered in very poor taste. True, Valerie Jarrett does rather look like the Muslim Brotherhood and The Planet Of The Apes had a child, but it’s thought of as exceedingly rude to say so. Disney’s anti-Conservative, anti-White bigotry and bias is not shown by their cancelling Roseanne over her tweet; it is shown by their blithely ignoring equally or more egregiously vile or improper comments about Conservatives and Whites by other ABC personalities as part of their shows.

This is just Disney mainstreaming, Disneyfying if you will, the Left-Wing dogma that any of those bearing “protected traits” – for whatever “inclusive” list of those traits they’re using at this day, date, and time – are deserving of every protection while the short list of those without such traits are not only deserving of no protections but deserving of any attack that can be launched against them due to their “privilege” of not being a protected class.


NOTE: To me, Valerie Jarret does look like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Planet of the Apes had a child.  But, as much as I find Jarret to be vile, I find the comment to be ignorant and lazy. While Jarret was born in Shiraz, Iran, it was to a White American woman and a very light-skinned American Black man, neither of which were Muslim. Nor is there any credible evidence that Jarret herself ever adopted Islam.

Bastiat’s Conundrum

Posted in Ethics & Morality, Philosophy, Politics, Society on May 27th, 2018

Claude-Frédéric Bastiat, a 19th Century economist and political philosopher of the French Liberal Schoolthink proto-libertarian – was more than a little concerned about society turning its back to what is good and embracing what it is evil.

When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.

— Frédéric Bastiat
Economic Harmonies (1850 AD)

Not, of course that this is new thought or warning. It goes back to at least Biblical times.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20, The Bible (KJV)

But, inherent to these very thoughts and proscriptions in the conundrum. Who are the misguided of the public? Who, indeed, have chosen to call evil good, and good evil? When a society – truly, at this point more of a population than a society – cannot even agree upon what words mean, much less what are examples thereof, it becomes almost moot to try to decide this. And yet, from the standpoint of both utility and primal, existential need, decide this America must do.

One Important Lesson

Posted in Humor, Politics, Society on May 25th, 2018

Don't Trust A HoggOne Important Lesson: Don’t Trust A Hogg

😆 Ain’t it the truth? And ironically the Duke boys didn’t even own or use firearms during the show’s seven seasons.

Self-Inflicted Integricide

Posted in Politics, Society on May 18th, 2018

MSM Suicide - Self-Inflicted IntegricideWhat the MSM aka the Lamestream Media aka Fake News has done to their credibility with the American people can best and most aptly be called Self-Inflicted Integricide. The same Presstitutes who whored themselves out to the Obama Regime picked up their proverbial guns and shot themselves through their journalistic ethics in an attempt to keep their “johns,” the evermore-extreme, delusional Left.

Then, after of decade of being little to nothing more than whores for the Liberals, Progressives, any group of non-normative protected trait bearers, they’ve utterly alienated the American people who had for many decades respected them. By this point there’s really no realistic path back for them. The integricide was mortal and I doubt that even heroic measures can save them now.

I say that I see no realistic hope for cure for what’s left the “Free Press” because, both for them and for the People, it’s only going to get worse. The Left, these Liberals and Progressives as they call themselves, are utterly intolerant of heresy and are quick to rant and rave against the MSM whenever they have decided that their presstitutes have step out of the fold by not being hateful enough towards anyone and everyone who doesn’t sufficiently comport themselves to the Left’s ever-changing and ever-degenerating standards.

#BlackLingerieMatters 02

Posted in Society on May 14th, 2018

As I’ve posted before, I firmly believe that one significant thing we as a society can do to mitigate and hopefully reverse some of degeneracy America is experiencing is to retake, restore, rebirth, and rebuild eroticism in America. We need to understand that #BlackLingerieMatters and we to Make Lingerie Great Again!