Archive for March, 2013

Corporate Heroes

Posted in Society on March 30th, 2013

Crime fighting may be rewarding and, in the case of superheroes, it’s certainly glamorous in its way. It doesn’t, however, pay the bills. Hence, what would it be like if superheroes took endorsement contracts and had corporate sponsors?

Corporate Heroes

Of course, I can’t picture Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark being a celebrity spokespersons for McDonald’s or Nike respectively…unless they’d decided to diversify their holdings and buy those companies. 😉

And yes, I know. Galactus is a cosmic entity of nigh on unparalleled power who is beyond such petty concerns as wealth…or is that Bill Gates? I get them confused sometimes. 😆

The Statue Of Government

Posted in Humor, Politics on March 23rd, 2013

Michael Bloomberg is bent on making sweeping changes to NYC…for everyone’s own good, of course. The tyrannical piece of subhuman filth is definitely among the vermin who think of Americans as merely the nation’s populace and unfit and unable to govern their own affairs and lives.

Bloomberg: Liberty Is Much Too Dangerous
Liberty Is Much Too Dangerous

But we all must remember that Mayor Bloomberg is a benevolent philanthropist who seeks to protect us from ourselves. And there are so very many things that we choose that we have to be protected from: Trans fats, sugary drinks, loud music, the 2nd Amendment, … red dots.

Kill one, save millions
Bloomberg Has A Natural Fear Of Little Red Dots

Bloomberg should just remember that, since he believes he’s so much better and wiser than we, the People, nobody should ever even consider protection him, his wife Susan, or her two daughters that she claims are his, Emma and Georgina from anything, especially those little red dots. 😉

Unhappy Birthday

Posted in Politics on March 23rd, 2013

The misborn, bastard crotch-dropping of Obama and the coterie of Liberals wrongfully fouling America’s Congress, Obamacare, turned three today.

Obamacare Birthday
Happy Birthday, Obamacare!

Given that much of it still isn’t defined beyond broadly written laws and we’re already saddled with over 20,000 pages of new regulations, I’d say that this isn’t a happy birthday or anniversary for the American people.

Deja Poo

Posted in Humor, Politics on March 22nd, 2013

They say that familiarity breeds contempt. While this certainly true of Obama, he also engenders other feeling in the citizenry of America.

Deja Poo
The Feeling That You’d Heard This Crap Before

That’s Obama for you. The boy loves to talk and to campaign but all of his jabbering just blends together after a while into some strange and annoying background noise that closely resembles the sounds of a sick man loosening his bowels on the toilet.

This is in many ways less of a case of familiarity than it is a case of Ann Dunham and Barack Sr. breeding something into existence that was and is utterly contemptible. 😉

Rush Is Sadly Wrong

Posted in Politics on March 21st, 2013

Dr. Ben CarsonRush Limbaugh thinks, or wants us to believe that he does so, that Dr. Ben Carson is the next best hope for the GOP and Conservatism in America.

Ole Rushbo really likes Dr. Carson and thinks that he’d be a great choice as a Presidential candidate in 2016, one that the Liberals,Progressives, and their Lamestream Media would fear and be unable to sandbag as they have so many others.

He certainly makes a strong case for Dr. Carson to fully enter the American political arena.

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday said Dr. Ben Carson has the entire Democratic Party “scared to death” for several reasons.

“He is able to articulate and explain conservatism in a way that is persuasive, without raising his voice at all,” Limbaugh said. It sounds like your dad talking to you, not your dad, your best buddy talking to you.”

Should Carson ever decide to run for office, like his supporters want him to, the left would have a very hard time demonizing him, Limbaugh explained.

“Partially because of his race, but not just because he’s African-American,” he added. “You can say he’s all these horrible things, then you hear him, see him and listen to him and it doesn’t click.”

Rush is sadly wrong – very, very wrong. Oh, he’s right enough that Dr. Carson as a Presidential candidate would scare the Leftists in America to death. He’s just utterly wrong about them having very hard time demonizing him.

Dr. Carson is, by race, Black but he’s very much not part of the “Black Community.” The Left does not tolerate such runaways and, when like Dr. Carson they leave the plantation, the Left would swiftly send their slave takers aka the MSM to bring the man down. Nor would they find it difficult to locate some Black woman to make allegations of some form of misconduct at some point in his past in order to do so. After all, they’ve done it plenty of times in the past.

No, neither the Left nor the “Black Community” would ever tolerate an American Black as POTUS, especially immediately following Obama. The jabbering cries of, “Race Traitor,” “Sell Out,” “Uncle Tom,” and “Oreo” would resound unto the heavens and the MSM would gleefully play this up while simultaneously finding or manufacturing some “dirt” to destroy Dr. Carson with.

Rush is simply and horribly wrong because he has underestimated the depravity of America’s domestic enemies and grossly overestimated their basic humanity.