Archive for the '2012 Election' Category

Victims Of Aragorn

Posted in 2012 Election, Coffee & Tea, Philosophy, Politics, Society on June 30th, 2017

Victim Of Aragorn
(Click to Enlarge)

Gondor and all of the West are bloody well lucky that they didn’t have anything even close to being similar to modern Liberals and Progressives. If they had, Gondor would have fallen and there would have been the equivalent of the cover depicted above.

They’d have been rioting all over Minas Tirith, screaming, “#OrclivesMatter! End Numenorian Privilege! Rohirrim are Racist!” It’d have been a mess and would likely have ended with Sauron ruling Middle Earth.

Close The Southern Border

Posted in 2012 Election, Society on October 26th, 2016

The idea of securing America’s southern border by, among other means, building a proper, fortified wall along it to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing out of Mexico into the US is one of the memes intrinsic to the 2016 election. Americans are, by and large, at least somewhat in favor of it, whereas the Liberals and Progressives – and the Latinos of course – hate the idea and anyone and everyone that might entertain it.

This is an almost hilarious position for the ever-bigoted and oikophobic Leftists to hold since they too deeply desire to close the Southern border. They just want the wall in a different place.

mex-border-wall The American Dream
southern-border-wall The Liberal Dream
(Click Either to Enlarge)

Yes, given their hatred for The South and Southerners, especially rural and/or blue collar Southerners, nobody rightfully claiming sanity can say that the Liberals and Progressives don’t desire for some form of segregation, travel restrictions, and veritable apartheid to be enacted upon the South.

Of course, given the nature of reality, such a thing might harm the South far less than our domestic enemies wish and benefit them far, far less than they hope for. 😉

Running Hot and Cold

Posted in 2012 Election, Coffee & Tea, Philosophy, Politics, Society on November 24th, 2014

It's Global Warming! The Libtards know this because of their Art History degrees
AGW – Running Hot And Cold

What more is there to really say beyond the only “Climate Chaos” is that among the miseducated Liberals and Progressives as they scramble for a rationale to continue their attacks upon the economies of the Civilized World? What more is there to say beyond that the only “Meltdown” is the one happening among the Warmists as they fail to do so?

Skin In The Game

Posted in 2012 Election, 2014 Election, 2016 Election, Politics on September 5th, 2014

Consider how different things would have been if we’d somehow managed to limit the voting in the 2012 elections to only those with “skin in the game.” If that election had been contained to only those who actually pay federal income tax, it would have looked quite different.

Taxpayer-Only Vote In 2012
Taxpayer-Only Vote In 2012

This goes a long ways towards showing how worthless and destructive the warm body franchise is to America. It also goes an equally long ways towards showing exactly why the Democrats fight so viciously against anything that might limit voting privileges.

Limit voting to only taxpayers might not be the best way of ending the warm body franchise but, as the chart clearly shows, the system we have now is a case of taxation without real representation with all the consequences that implies.

The States’ Party

Posted in 2008 Election, 2010 Election, 2012 Election, 2014 Election, Politics on August 30th, 2013

GOP - The American ElephantStarting in 2008 and increasingly over the intervening five years we Americans have repeatedly heard how the Republican Party was dying and how the GOP was doomed. Given their showing in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections and also their inability to retake control of the Senate in the 2010 elections from our domestic enemies, this opinion is easy to arrive at and very seductive to the Left.

This, however, is a false assumption. It’s mere hopeful wishing on the part of the Liberals and Progressives and a tool being used by the Establishment GOP to try to maintain control of a party who has left them in favor of returning to America’s roots and core values. It has little or no basis in fact.

To start with, the GOP took control of the House of Representatives and has held that control to this date, with little thought that this will change in the 2014 elections. More important and telling is the Republican Party has been emphatically shown to the the States’ party of choice.

  • 30 states now have Republican governors vs. 20 with Democrat governors
  • 25 states now have GOP control of both the Executive and Legislature vs. 14 where DEMs control both the Executive and Legislature

Does sound or look like the GOP is moribund or does, especially when combined with the GOP’s lasting control of the House, show that the majority of Americans choose and vote Republican?

A Red Nation Rising From The Ground Up
(Click to Enlarge)

It’s a simple case of the wisdom of subsidiarity. The closer the position is to the People the more often the People chose Republicans because the closer the position is to the People the less they favor the goals and agenda of the Democrats and the less the election is skewed by the bias and prejudices of the minority voters.

This is why the Democrats and their operatives focus so heavily upon federal control of- and influence over any and matters, most of which are meant to left to the several States. They know that they’ve built their whole platform on catering the needs and desires of those minority of staunchly Liberal states to the exclusion of needs and desires of the majority of Americans. It’s also why those blue states will remain blue. The Democrats’ policies are tailored to them and do a decent job of fulfilling their wishes.

No, the Republican Party isn’t dying. It’s growing from the ground up stronger than before because it’s the States’ party.