Close The Southern Border
The idea of securing America’s southern border by, among other means, building a proper, fortified wall along it to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing out of Mexico into the US is one of the memes intrinsic to the 2016 election. Americans are, by and large, at least somewhat in favor of it, whereas the Liberals and Progressives – and the Latinos of course – hate the idea and anyone and everyone that might entertain it.
This is an almost hilarious position for the ever-bigoted and oikophobic Leftists to hold since they too deeply desire to close the Southern border. They just want the wall in a different place.
Yes, given their hatred for The South and Southerners, especially rural and/or blue collar Southerners, nobody rightfully claiming sanity can say that the Liberals and Progressives don’t desire for some form of segregation, travel restrictions, and veritable apartheid to be enacted upon the South.
Of course, given the nature of reality, such a thing might harm the South far less than our domestic enemies wish and benefit them far, far less than they hope for. 😉
Tags: 2016 Elections | America | Apartheid | Bigotry | Border Security | Confederacy | Illegal Aliens | Immigration | Latinos | Liberals | Mexico | Prejudice | Progressives | Rednecks | Society | Southerners | The South