jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
jonolan on Yeah, I Was Right: “Thanks. Got to admit though, I’m not that happy to be right this time. While I loath Democrats et al,…” Jul 25, 09:36
Tyler, the Portly Politico on Bikini Interlude 92: “I find that kind of effortless (and somewhat modest) Beauty far more enticing and attractive than the girls with the…” Jul 23, 09:36
Maintaining one’s sexual health today, in the year of the Coronavirus, is a bit different than in times gone by. 😉 Stay safe, people, and always remember to properly sexually distance. Do it for her, if not yourself!
Much like MLK’s Dream, the sentiment that what one does is what makes one good or evil as opposed to what one is, a legacy artifact of better, bygone days. Now, according to Democrats, the Blacks, and all the various Leftist vermin, what you are is what matters.
If you were born White, you were born evil and of evil, and you will be punished for it. If, however, you were born Black, you were born a victim of White Evil, and are to excused from all blame for anything that you do.
Systemic Racism, Institutional Racism, White Privilege, White Fragility, Microaggressions – these are just terms they use to hammer home their point that Whites are Evil by birth & blood.
Leave to the Dems to increase funding to USPS and seek defunding of law enforcement agencies now, since Donald Trump is President. And yes! It’s all and only about Americans having elected Donald Trump.
Yes, now and now only! Obama’s Regime tried to close 3,700 post offices in the lead up to 2012 elections and the only complaints from Democrats were about the loss of union jobs – not one peep about the election or “destroying Democracy.” Not. one!
And law enforcement spending? They were perfectly OK with Obama demanding an almost 100% increase in the federal dollars used to subsidize local law enforcement agencies hiring of additional officers.
Yeah, leave it to the Democrats to be so filled with hatred and so self-centered as act this way.
City after city across America is burning, ravaged by the savage race riots of #BlackLivesMatter and their “allies.” And this is only shocking by degree; the Blacks have been engaged in wholesale racial violence for years, e.g., “The Knockout Game” and violent “Flash Mobs” targeting Whites.
So yeah! I think we can put the AR-15 argument to rest. Every White needs an AR-15, a sufficiency of ammo, the skill and will to use, and the knowledge that American patriots will have his or her back and eliminate any White-Hating prosecutor who charges them for its use in defense of life, family, property, nation and/or race.
NOTE: The AR-15 is an easy to use, front-line weapon, and it is a specific bone of contention between Americans and Democrat gun-grabbers. That’s why I used it in this post. Weaponry, like any other tool, is more specialized than that. For each purpose there is a form with right function. It is always important to choose the right tool for the job at hand if you can.
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