Safely Offensive
Posted in Politics, Religion, Society on May 31st, 2011
Blood and Brains For The Zombie Lord Jesus
The image above is likely to be quite offensive to Christians. Depicting their God and His Resurrection in the context of a zombie apocalypse is quite disrespectful, offensive, and insulting to Christians. By and large though, it’s safely offensive; neither the law nor individual Christians will attempt to do me harm over it.
Of course this would not be the case if I chose to post images mocking Allah, Muhammad, and/or Islam. Then I would be open to societal reprisals and possibly murderous assault by the Muslims. In some areas of the Civilized World I could even be brought up on criminal charges.
One Is Art, One Is a Hate Crime?
The United Nations, long, deeply, and irredeemably contaminated by the vicious, subhuman Muslims, has repeatedly tried to expand this special protection across the globe.