Reichsfluchtsteuer 2.0
Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Bob Casey (D-PA) don’t like when the wealthy flee the United States in order to shield their wealth from government confiscation. So they’re planning on introducing their “quaintly” named Ex-PATRIOT Act to ensure that such individuals must leave a large portion of their wealth behind when they flee.
I guess that, in the minds of the Democrats, the wealthy are the new Jews. They must be because Mankind has seen this before. It was the Reichsfluchtsteuer, the Reich flight tax, that the Nazis imposed on Jews trying to flee Germany in the 1930s. It was set at 25% of assets but, not to be outdone, Schumer and Casey set Reichsfluchtsteuer 2.0 at 30%.
Social Democrat, National Socialist, or Democratic Socialist, it’s all the same. All movements and parties of this sort need scapegoats and take the same actions against them.
Funny, I thought that when Fascism came to America it was supposed to do so wrapped in the American flag and carrying a Cross and/or, possibly whistling the “Star Spangled Banner.” I guess I, and a number of others, were wrong. Fascism is going to come to America exactly as it did to Weimar Germany in the 1930s.
Tags: America | Casey | Democrats | Emigration | Fascism | Germany | History | Nazism | Reichsfluchtsteuer | Schumer | Socialism | Taxes
May 28th, 2012 at 5:59 am
When the rich are forced to wear armbands with dollar signs on them, when they’re beaten indiscriminately on the street by thugs wearing brown shirts, when they start suffering involuntary relocations, then your comparison will be apt. Until then, cry me a freaking river.
May 28th, 2012 at 6:11 am
That’s about the response I’d expect from a Leftist.
Tell me, do you deny the similarities to 1930s Germany and the birth of German fascism or do you just not care as long as it the rich being persecuted?