Archive for July, 2012

Choose: Fly or Wear

Posted in Politics, Society on July 31st, 2012

If you’re an American, you still get to choose: fly or wear your colors. Americans can still at this time in history choose to be free and to maintain and defend their liberty or they can choose to abrogate their responsibilities and hope that others will continue to grant them their freedom and their lives.

Armed vs. Disarmed
Populations – Armed vs. Disarmed

That is what I’ve had a problem with about Patrick Henry’s famed March 23, 1775 speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses in which he said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” If you feel that someone must give you liberty, you will never truly have it and, without that liberty, they may give you and yours death at their leisure.

And no, this is not some far-fetched ranting. History has proven time and time again that liberty can only be maintained through force or the threat of force and that, once it is lost, tyranny ending in murder and genocide is often the result.

Ask survivors of any of the various groups that Nazi Germany enslaved and then sought to eradicate, such as the Jews who made up approximately 50% of the 12 million victims of the Holocaust, what happens to a disarmed population when their overlords decide they’re no longer welcome or of value.

American Apartheid

Posted in Politics, Society on July 29th, 2012

Some people want you to believe that America has moved into a “post racial” age. I don’t know if they’re delusional or if they’re trying to further some agenda. In either case, they’re wrong; racism is alive and well in America. Even apartheid is being practiced in our country these days.

Like so many things though, the more virulent forms of racism, segregation, and even apartheid have, in the US, taken on a uniquely American character.

Conservative Blacks
Conservative Blacks – A Valid Target It Seems

One can see this in how the thugs and vermin of the “Black Community” treat and speak of unhyphenated, American Blacks, Conservative Blacks who have chosen America as their nation over the lies and hatred of Black Nationalism with its subhuman, slave mentality.

The cries of, “Race Traitor,” “Sell Out,” “Uncle Tom,” and “Oreo” make the “Black Community” bigotry against any Black who dared to “leave the plantation” and immigrate in their heart and soul to America. Those cries also make it clear that it is impossible to “identify” as Black by the definition of Black touted by the “Black Community” and be an American.

And it’s not just the ghetto thugs that attack and ostracize American Blacks; it’s the Lamestream Media as well and to greater harm. One need only look to how they launch spurious attacks against any Black public figure who doesn’t abide by the restriction of being yet another jabbering grifter demanding more of Americans’ money.

Yeah, racism is alive and well in America. It’s just that American Apartheid is a darker shade of evil than it was in South Africa.

2012 DNC Group Photo

Posted in 2012 Election, Humor, Politics on July 28th, 2012

The 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC isn’t until September 3, 2012 but the Democrats have decided to put together their memorabilia early, including this group photo.

2012 DNC Group Photo
2012 DNC Group Photo, Charlotte, NC

As it turns out, along with budget issues caused by Obama’s campaign spending, the increasing torrent of major Democrat party members choosing not to be seen at the 2012 DNC necessitated taking the group photo early.

The choice of a black-and-white photo wasn’t driven by cost issues however. It was chosen as a symbolic image for the racial politics and racial divisions and distrust that the Democrats hope will spur Obama to victory again.

Kermit Gives Up Bacon

Posted in Humor, Society on July 28th, 2012

Times change and the chaotic winds of political correctness blow oddly, especially in children television. Such was certainly the case in Sesame Street.

What with the iconic Cookie Monster being put in Cookie Rehab, it was only a matter of time before they had Kermit the Frog give up bacon – much to Miss Piggy’s disgruntlement I’m sure. 😉

Kermit Watching Porn
Oh Yeah…Take It, You Terribilis Slut!

This has, of course, led to some awkward behind the scenes moments and the banning of the Nature Channel, Animal Planet, and the National Geographic Channel from the set. Although it’s rumored that the producers are working with Peewee Herman to develop a segment called “It’s OK To Touch Yourself”, so the ban may be lifted soon.


NOTE: For the vast percentage of readers who didn’t get the pun in the image’s caption, the frogs displayed appear to be Phyllobates terribilis aka Golden Poison Dart Frogs from Columbia.

That’s Exactly Right!

Posted in 2012 Election on July 27th, 2012

It’s quite rare that can read or hear anything that this trumped-up, little, bastard by-blow of 1960’s rebellion, Obama says and say, “That’s exactly right!” It does happen upon rare occasions though.

That’s exactly right. And and, you know, a year from now I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress. But there’s still going to be some pain out there. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.

— President Obama
February 02, 2009, The Today Show

Well, it’s been over three years and, if improving the American economy was what he was supposedly going to “get done,” he’s made no progress. Indeed, he’s made matters far worse – far worse even then his Liberal cronies in Congress have managed to do – with his incessantly repeated class-warfare and anti-business sentiments.

Boy! You’ve got nascent but still huge and stinking economic catastrophe on your hands. You did built that! Nobody else made that happen.

Even more than ObamaCare’s overwhelming costs to businesses – costs all centered upon adding or maintaining employees, it is the climate of fear that Obama has instill in businesses that is keeping American unemployment numbers grievously high. Every time Obama attacks businesses, threatens to bypass Congress to do things via Executive Orders, or voices support for the rabble of OWS, he increases this climate of fear and causes corporations to tighten their purses in order to hopefully weather the storm that they fear Obama will bring.

Obama Has a Dream
Obama’s Dream – An American Nightmare

So yes, Obama is exactly right and there must be a one-term proposition, no matter what that takes, if America is going to recover in our lifetime or, possibly, ever.